Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Focus, Habits and Attention

Habits are things we do repetitively, often without thinking about them, without thought or really offering attention to them. Some habits are very helpful to us and others are less helpful. I have the habit of brushing my teeth and then flossing them with dental floss before I go to bed each evening. My dentist tells me that this is a very good habit. Somehow I never got into the habit of brushing my teeth in the morning before eating or going about my day. My dentist tells me that it's not just about cleaning the food debris out of my teeth but about breaking up plaque and cleaning away bacteria that is promoting tooth decay and that by brushing every 12 hours will keep my teeth cleaner and healthier no matter if I have eaten in between or not.

So, after a lifetime of doing something different I'm learning a new habit to brush my teeth in the morning or approximately 12 hours after I've brushed them previously. And I find that, as it is not something that's habitual, something that's not in my previously ordinary routine that it is easy to overlook or forget. Doing something new and different takes consciousness, it takes attention, it takes paying attention and consciously making the choice to do something different. It takes waking up and being awake in the moment.

Doing something new and different takes work, energy consciousness and the awareness that to do this will be beneficial to me somehow. I'm using the example of brushing my teeth as it is something we all do, have an understanding about and usually a belief that it's somehow good for us to do this although we may not immediately see the consequences of it. In fact often there's little instant gratification in brushing one's teeth and dental flossing them unless we have something stuck in our teeth, have eaten an especially odorous food or something that we can feel with our tongue is coating our teeth.

I have a daily practice of energetic clearing and cleaning of myself that I do in the mornings and often at night before I go to bed. I do this because there are things that are less physical and obvious that can have a detrimental effect on me. So, like brushing and flossing my teeth for immediate and long-term health I do practices that clean and clear my etheric energy fields around my body similarly to taking a shower and washing with soap and cleansing and cleaning my physical body. And it has taken work and continues to be work at times to do the things that help me to stay clean, clear, physically healthy and more vibrant and alive. In previous monthly thoughts I have offered practices and suggestions that I believe are simple, very helpful and that I have seen clear and positive results through using them myself and from people I have worked with. You may wish to look at some of the past months if you would like some new suggestions or to remember some of what I have offered before.

I invite you to look at your habits and would suggest that you consider if your old habits can be improved upon or new ones implemented that will serve you to be more whole and healthy. What I am inviting you to do will take some work, it will take being conscious and aware and in some ways waking up in the moment. Being awake has many advantages and in my opinion and experience is well worth your time and efforts.

Often we're very comfortable in our old ways of doing things, our old habits and, in a way, we are sleepwalking through life. My invitation to you is to begin to explore and do things that assist you in becoming more alive, awakening and becoming more conscious in the moment-to-moment movement of your life. You can do this all on your own if you wish. If you would like some assistance I would be honored to assist you in your process of becoming more awake, alive, conscious and whole. Please feel free to contact me and we will see what we can awaken together!

In Light, Love and Service,


Friday, March 21, 2014

Transitioning Into Spring

March to April is such a transition time in so many ways as we move from the winter into the spring. In many places it is a very unpredictable month as far as the weather goes, as it can be beautiful warm and sunny one day and the next comes freezing rain and gusty blowing winds with clouds blocking the sunlight. In the same way we are doing this within ourselves, we are opening to new aliveness and life as the sun radiates new light, encodements and higher energies to us.
We are also finding those places that are still icy and cold with the blowing winds and clouds that surface to block our natural light and radiance. It is time to open to the new and embrace more of who and what you are, what is available to you and how you wish to be in this world. How do you wish to be in this world? You do have a choice you know?
This world needs vital, alive, creative, heart-centered people whose hearts are open and who allow their minds to be in service to their hearts as they make their decisions and move in the world.Most of our so-called civilized world has elevated the mind and the mind’s reasoning over the holistic knowing and wisdom of the heart’s guidance. And you can see where this has brought us to by looking at the state of the world we live in politically, environmentally, religiously and interpersonally.
The thinking mind always functions in duality, right and wrong, good and bad, black and white, with self protection and preservation of the ego upper-most in its functioning. If we were a ship sailing on uncharted seas, the mind would be used to help get us where we're going, but not to be the captain of the ship! Our heart will guide us to the safe harbor, to the love we so desire, to the awakening and beauty that is waiting all around us to be discovered and appreciated.
During the last three months I have participated in multiple workshops presented by different people who are leaders in the field of awakening, awareness and sacred geometry. I have been doing deep and ongoing personal work to bring myself more fully into my heart and to become more conscious and awake in every aspect of my life. I have gone far outside my usual comfort zones and expanded myself and abilities in ways I have prayed about for many, many years.
As a result of this, as well as a multitude of other factors, the ability that I have to work with people has taken on new dimensions, clarity, and profoundness than ever before. As new and higher energies channel through me I am now able to offer the same Sessions at a whole new and higher level. I'm able to articulate and offer a greater depth and effectiveness to those I am working with than I have in the previous thirteen years.
Allow your light to shine!

The little meditation below may be of service to you and to help you stay more centered and grounded in your heart, allowing your light to radiate and shine from you to illuminate any darkness around you and those you love.
It is a short meditation, easy to do before and after work, interacting with family members and any other social engagements where you are dealing with others thoughts, feelings and possible projections on to you.

Use your breath to help with the movement of what you will be doing below. You can take as long as you want doing this and it can be done very quickly after some practice, in only in 4 or 5 breaths. This will help you to be clear and stay centered in your own energies where you can be most effective and helpful to others and yourself.
  1. Imagine, intend or simply feel a Violet Sphere of light above your head.
  2. See, imagine, intend or feel the Violet Sphere of light moving down through your body and flowing out your hands and feet.
  3. Imagine, see, intend or feel a Golden Sphere of light above your head.
  4. See, imagine, intend or feel the Golden Sphere of light moving down through your body and flowing out your hands and feet.
  5. Allow the Golden Light to form a column of light from just beneath the base of your spine and imagine, see, imagine, intend or feel it connecting to the center crystalline core of the earth.
  6. Imagine, see, intend or feel the Golden Light radiating out from your heart in an ever flowing continual radiance within, through and around you.
Wishing You Much Light, laughter and Love,


Friday, January 31, 2014

Once Upon a Time

I have a little story for you this month that may be familiar and even known to some of you and surprisingly comforting hopefully informative and interesting to others. This story starts as many stories do with the words, “Once upon a time.” This lets the listener know that what they are about to hear is a story, a tale that may entertain, contain wisdom and is simplified so that the message can be conveyed in a way that allows for unusual and sometimes foreign ideas to be looked at, received and integrated into your mental and emotional systems gently.

Once upon a time, in a place where there was no time a vast energy became aware that in our “human” terms, it was a little bored. Now this vast energy was such that we with our human minds can not really understand how such a thing could be, that such an entity so unimaginably huge, all knowing and powerful could ever become tired of its existence or desiring somehow more and wishing expansion. Well it was and opened to expanding even more!

Because it knew everything, nothing could surprise it or really give it an original thought or idea. This incredibly huge entity was so big and expansive that in comparison to our Universe, our whole Universe was like the size a single atom is to the size of the Earth. In other words “it” was bigger and vaster than what we can really conceive of. So, after what might be to us after several billion years as we conceive of and think of time, this entity that could be called All-that-Is conceived of a plan to bring into existence more expansion and growth. This plan would also offer possibilities in constant expansion, exploring countless possibilities and the possibility of discovering something new!

The idea that was conceived was to separate parts of itself and send these parts out away from itself in such a way that the separated parts would have an individual consciousness of their own. Now these smaller parts of the great whole were in constant connection and communication with their greater self and even though they had individuated consciousness because of the connection and constant direct communication nothing unique or new really was achieved or discovered. These parts of the greater whole assumed different functions or purposes.  They could work together or separately, however they desired. Generally speaking, some parts became primarily Creators and others Servers to the Creators and their creations.

Another plan was born through the understandings gained from the first group of individuated parts of the greater consciousness.

The plan was to further individuate and then to construct places of “free will” where the further individuated parts would find themselves in a place of forgetfulness that would allow for the freedom to discover and create from an illusion of separation from the whole of who they really are. The universes constructed would allow for the biological “housing” of the individuated parts in various forms of physical expression. Once physically housed the individuated parts would “forget” almost all of who and what they really are and where they may most recently have “originated” from as well as the inseparable connection to the oneness and unity that they truly are. Various constructs were put into place within the physical biology to assist in the forgetfulness and reinforce the illusion of separation.

So, with great enthusiasm and excitement individuated portions of God-Goddess-All-That-Is further individuated and lined up to send and allow another fragment, a spark of It’s wholeness to incarnate into a physical biological entity that was wonderfully limited.

Forgetting and being limited as compared with knowing everything that would ever happen was the key to helping the expansion of All-that-Is in unique and new ways, offering challenge and new possibilities to unfold. The biological entity, amazingly complex and able to reproduce creating more biological entities like themselves able to house even more sparks of a greater whole, a greater divinity into a “new” growing, evolving body that would be able to continue this process of expansion and creation for all of the physical and non- physical parts combined expansion!

With great delight, many plans, ideas to explore, multiple options and untold combinations of interaction to be explored this family of light, of non-physical entities parts of even greater aspects of Itself sent multiple sparks, multiple aspects of Itself (Its many selves now) into physical worlds and into physical bodies. All knew that once physically incarnated the Sparks would forget their true origin and immortal nature and believe themselves to be much much less than what they truly are. Because of this forgetting all kinds of new and unique situations could be acted out. The actors could play all different kinds of roles throughout the ages as this physical place would have the illusion of time so firmly set within the biology of the incarnated Sparks and their physicality would have a limited lifespan so all possibilities and possible combinations of roles could be played and acted out. The physical bodies aged through time and then transitioned back to their greater non-physical aspects to line up again to have the chance to be physical again and to continue to play various roles with their brothers and sisters in physical form.

Even though the Sparks would forget their true nature they were all given a guidance system that allowed them to navigate in the worlds they found themselves in. They would get direction and guidance from the greater non-physical parts of themselves through their feelings. Their feelings were a direct way to align with the pathways offering the highest choice in any given situation. Feelings of joy, enthusiasm, excitement, passion, heart opening, love and the feeling of just knowing what was “right” would guide and point out the way.

The stage for this grand play that the Sparks were the actors on would offer the opportunity for separation, the illusion of death (to make it all feel so “real” and critically important) and the opportunity to play multiple roles and challenge each other to bring out the highest expression of creativity within each other. Being vast multi-dimensional masters there would be constant assistance, guidance and opportunity for shift and change from the non-physical aspect of the Sparks and other non-physical entities whose joy it is to assist in the ongoing play. The individual Sparks could decide if they wanted to act in a drama, comedy, love story, adventure or whatever aspect they might individually choose to focus on.

Through their connection to the source of all that is whatever the individual Sparks decided to focus on they would increase that in their own reality, their own world

The Sparks mission was through the contrast of knowing what they would prefer not to have or participate in as their reality, would be able to create the reality, the life situations they each uniquely desired through their focus and what they gave their attention to. They could individually and collectively create whatever they focused on and due to the delay in time from thought to manifestation they could change their direction as they evolved and as it pleased them. Some Sparks had some preset agendas and by following the path that contained the most “heart”, the path that was illuminated for them through their feelings and emotions they would always know the better direction to take and the better choices to be made that would bring about the highest manifestations in their lives.

So, I am sure you have discovered by now that every single human on this Earth is in terms of the little story above, a Spark of All-That-Is.

You are the physical manifestation of an unbelievably vast multi-dimensional entity and are always connected, loved and supported by this greater part of you.

There is much more depth and room of expansion to this “story” and maybe in future months I will offer more elaboration on the various aspects mentioned or eluded to. I hope you enjoyed this little story and your ongoing creations in your personal life and world!

If you are loving your life and physical manifestations this is absolutely wonderful, keep doing just what you are currently doing! If you would like some assistance in fine tuning your journey into one more appealing to you please look at the various Sessions I have to offer. You also can look forward to some new Sessions I have just received for this year and the current energies we are getting and opening up to receive and work with!

In Light, Love & Service,


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Drawn and Poised to Fly!

Here we are once again swiftly moving towards the end of the calendar year. Thinking back over the year so far it has been one wild ride, a bit like a roller coaster and actually different than I was expecting it to be. After the year of 2012 I thought I could coast and have a simple and easy year!

My best laid and plotted plans seem, more often than not, to have been shifted, changed, turned, upended and had to be at times totally abandoned. And you know the joke don't you, how do you make God laugh? You tell her your plans! Well, I must say I really did tell her my plans this year and she sure laughed at me a lot – hard, long and loud!

And being so wise, evolved, spiritual and centered you know what I did? I got really good at surrendering to what really "is" and "was" in the moment. Well maybe that was after I screamed, hollered, stomped my feet, had a temper tantrum, cried, acted like a rather un-evolved individual, pleaded, begged and threatened. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating those bad days a little...

The surrendering to being with what truly "is", allowed a more natural flow of what was available to me, to choose what really was the best direction, choice or way to be with the rearranged situation or plan. I learned more and more to surrender my will to a more divine and wise will or direction that was placed in front of me when I stopped kicking and screaming about how I thought things should be.

Now I am finding myself as an arrow that is drawn back in a bow. The bow I believe is the new foundational structure that my higher self has placed around me (my worldly situation and the events unfolding in it) and the more personal part, that is the personality construct one would usually call me or that part that is called "I" in general conversation. Continuing this analogy of me being the arrow, I have been mercilessly honed and sharpened. I am being drawn back and soon to be released to rush forward towards a distant target that only my higher self or someone with a much broader perspective could see or conceive of.

As this year is coming to a close I feel guided to do things that will prepare me for this future where I will be propelled forward so swiftly towards that distant target. I am doing things to center and align myself that I may not have done before. I am taking my meditation time more seriously and focusing my thoughts where I know they will serve me the best as well as all I encounter because my vibration is raised through my focus and intention to be aligned and to serve others in the highest way possible. My personal purification process has not been easy as the residue of the old, the darker, the less evolved aspects of my being struggle and fight to remain and hold firm to their perception of how I should behave and how my personality should be safely and securely in the world.

My personal journey is one of awakening of doing the work that will serve that awakening, that opening, that aligning in the highest sometimes swiftest and most efficient ways possible. I have been continually guided to do various ceremonies of a deep and spiritual nature with different groups that I feel aligned with and that will serve my evolution in the highest way possible.

The primary focus seems always to be the infusion of more and more light into my physical and non-physical energetic system. And of course with more light, anything not of that frequency and vibration will become visible to be seen, worked with and cleared or transformed. Not always a pleasant or easy task!

I have been guided to infuse sacred geometries into my heart and through this be aligned in a much higher way than ever before. The armor and walls around my heart have been shattered more than once during this year until I surrendered to an openness and opening that was not there or possible before things and events at times forced and thus allowed such deep and profound movements and transformations to take place.

And of course throughout this time I have had to attend to this worldly life and the day-to-day functional things that need to be taken care of. This has not been always easy or graceful because of the huge energetic movements taking place within me.

Also during this time I have been blessed that the energetic work that I offer and do has been more profound, deep, clear and precise than ever before. I believe this is a direct result of all the work and time I have taken for my own development and transformations.

I share this with you in the hope that offering insight into some of my journey may give ease and comfort to you if your journey has been as difficult and challenging as mine has been much of this year. Might I suggest that you are also being refined, sharpened, transformed and made into a divine arrow to drawn by the sacred bow of your Higher-Self and then released to serve All-That-Is in a way possibly unknown to you right now?

I know following my heart and my heart’s knowing will allow the arrow that I am to be drawn and released in such a way as all will be served in the highest way possible through my personal evolutionary process. I believe that you, if you are reading this serve a higher purpose and will be released to fly swiftly forward when the time is right!

So, my invitation to you is to do those things that will serve you most in your personal clearing, opening, alignment and transformation. Start the new calendar year off renewed, refreshed and more able to be all that you can. Your personal evolution and transformation serves everyone in your world and in the greater world around!

In light, love and service,

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Maintaining Balance and Equilibrium Under Stress

I have been in Tokyo Japan all of October offering a “Heart Opening” workshop and individual sessions. It has been a really wonderful journey with truly amazing people courageous enough to be open to changing their lives through a personal expansion of consciousness and letting go of what no longer serves them. True alignment with ones Higher-Self is not for the faint of heart as opening to the new means letting go of old and familiar patterns of behavior and habits!

How much of a priority is your health to you? How much do you value your health and mental balance? Maybe it is time to review your habits that serve you and those that do not. It is much easier to shift and change before you become off balance and over stressed and sick. Of course eating healthy foods, drinking plenty of pure water, getting the rest and exercise your body needs to rejuvenate itself is a thing sometimes easy to forget in a fast paced busy life.

Personally I have been challenged by being in a city of 35 million people and challenging news from home. The contrast has helped me to focus and let go of some of my own old patterns that have not been serving me. In serving others I have grown immensely, being forced to let go of my personal concerns to meet the greater needs of my clients. This has opened me to receiving more activations and energies that I can channel and share.

One primary thing that has sustained me during this stressful time is having a daily meditation practice. Another is my practice of breathing in Light to the center of my heart and allowing it to radiate outward throughout my body and aura has been invaluable. This is something that can be done throughout the day and helps to balance and align oneself in challenging situations. This can be done as simply as breathing in Light to the center of your heart with each breath for 14 breaths and allowing it to radiate throughout your body expanding within through and all around you. I highly recommend it!

Another life enhancing, stabilizing and aligning practice you can do is to take a few minutes before going to sleep at night to focus on and remind yourself of all the things that have gone “right” in your day and life. Focus on those things that are uplifting and simply feel “good” to you. And in the morning take a few minutes before getting up and starting your day to do the same thing. This will improve your life and all that comes into your life during the day.

In Light, Love & Service, 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Change the World?

What would you do if you had the power to change the world? Please take some time to really think about this and form some answers before you continuing to read more right now.

  • Maybe you would ensure everyone had nourishing food to eat and clean pure water to drink.
  • Would you stop all war?
  • Would you insure that business held the highest principles and ensured all their decisions were beneficial to the greater society and not just about accumulating more power and money?
  • Would you make sure that our government told the truth and really worked to make life for everyone more abundant and fulfilling?
  • Would you insure that all decisions were made with love, kindness and consideration of what is in the highest and best interest for everyone involved? What would your particular focus of change be?
Now keeping all your answers in mind let me tell you something you probably already know but may have forgotten. Real change comes from your own personal embodiment of the change you want to see in the world outside of yourself. That’s right; to change the world you must change yourself first because the world is a reflection of all that you are and the energies that you hold and project outward.

There are a multitude of ways, pathways, systems of meditation, healing modalities and opportunities to grow and learn. What draws you or catches your attention and appeals to you the most right now? When you follow from your heart, your creative and expansive impulses will guide you in the direction of your greatest growth and evolvement. Your personal evolution serves all and makes the world a better place.

What better time than “now” is there to bring yourself into new clarity and alignment with your Higher-Self? Opportunities abound around you for raising your consciousness, for clearing away what no longer serves you. The choice is yours and you serve all humanity, the physical world in your personal alignment with the highest aspects of yourself!

What you can do is to insure that you are as personally clear, kind, creative, loving, compassionate and aligned with you Higher-Self as possible in your thoughts, words and actions, because you are the world!

If anything that I have to offer calls out to you as of being of value and assistance to you, it would be my honor and delight to assist you in your personal evolution.

In Light, Love & Service,

Monday, August 5, 2013

Conscious Choice and Focus

It is a basic law of this Universe that what you put your attention on you get more of that manifested into your life. What you put your attention on has a particular vibration. We gain a great power in understanding this that we can actively apply in our daily lives to bring to us more and more of what we are really wanting. Our point of power is in our “now” focus, what we consciously choose to focus on in any given moment. This is one of the few things that we really have any control over in our lives and understanding this helps us to actively create the life we want to live.
The key here is your conscious choice of focus! Without conscious focus we tend to place our attention on whatever is currently being presented to us and where our memory is bringing back things from our past into the present, which we then focus on. As our focus then creates a momentum and an attraction pull that the Universe begins to search for from all possibilities and probabilities available and allow those matching vibrations to begin to coincide in physical manifestation for you.
We have multiple vibrations emanating from us at any one point in time. From that combination of vibration the Universe delivers to us corresponding situations, events, occurrences, people and physical manifestations.
Here is a personal example of how this works:
I just watched how some of my thoughts around something that I want very much, but which has not physically manifested in the way I really would like. The thoughts were fear based (around lack and not getting what I want) and they took off like a runaway train going ever faster downhill with only more similar and like thoughts joining them like a big magnet picking up old rusted, torn and sharp scrap metal from the junkyard of my history. And a part of me gave those thoughts emotions (sad, sinking feeling, tightness and constriction) that only served to spiral me ever faster downward…
It took a great deal of focus to redirect this runaway movement by very actively focusing my thoughts in a more upward direction as generally and gently as possible. I just leaned, so to speak, in the direction of what was a little more uplifting about the current thought that was active and kept doing that. I focused on looking at the situation very generally and being open to what was even a tiny bit positive about the situation. And at the point where I was feeling some relief and a little better a friend called and was so very kind, present and loving that continued to assist my balancing process.  As I became calmer and more at ease within myself, my thought’s and feelings continued to become brighter, more calm and uplifting…
When I shifted my focus and vibration the Universe almost immediately responded with a similar vibration of a kind and loving friend just happening to call because they were thinking about me and decided to call to say hello and see what was happening in my life. It could have worked in another direction if I continued on a downward spiral and I might have gotten a call by someone in a depressed or difficult place wanting to share their discomfort with someone else! The Universe made the physical manifestation and connection by connecting similar vibrations to each other.
The more you let go of what does not serve you, the more you can shift your focus to be vibrating at a high rate, the better your life becomes. It is really as simple as that. And it is also much easier said than done when you have a great deal of forward movement in a lower vibration. You can change your vibration with each and every breath and by your conscious focus.
I offer support for those who feel a resonance with the opening, clearing, infusion and activation Sessions I provide. Please look over the sessions I offer and see if there is anything there that might be of benefit to you in raising your vibration and letting go of what no longer serves you.
In Light, Love & Service,