Monday, July 26, 2010

The Divine In Nature - Jun '10

In our quest for the Spiritual, we often forget that we ARE Spiritual Beings. We do not need to work to “be spiritual”. What we can do is to let go of all the things that hinder us from expressing the divine spiritual beings that we truly are. The majority of things that hinder us from expressing the highest aspects of our divinity on a daily basis are bad habits of attention and focus that we learned at an early age by our well meaning parents and through growing up in the society that we do.

Our very existence here on Earth is a gift to “All That Is” (God, Goddess or whatever we might conceive of as a supreme deity, the creator of everything we are conscious of). We are each divine sparks of the greater flame of our Higher-Self, that in turn is part of the flame of a greater brilliance, that in turn is the everlasting light of All That IS. We are all sparks of divinity exploring the contrast of this earthly existence and adding our unique energetic imprint for the benefit of everything. This IS what we are, whether we are aware of it or not.

Through our exploration of life and the contrast offered here on Earth we automatically assist everyone and everything to expand and become more evolved, conscious and clear. When we allow ourselves to align with our Higher-Self (our divinity) we feel great, expansive, alive, clear, creative, filled with joy and love. We find we are in the “right” place at the “right” time and everything flows gracefully and smoothly for us. We naturally say, and do the “right” things at the “right” time for ourselves and everyone else around us.

So, when I let go of the things that are not allowing my Higher-Self to be more actively and consciously flowing through me on a daily basis my life is expansive, filled with joy, creativity, love, clarity, excitement, a feeling of fulfillment, perfect timing and co-creation with other people who are allowing their Higher-Self to flow more freely through them as well. I easily find the type of “work” that feels most correct for me and offers all those things that are what I enjoy and feel good doing. I become an inspiration for others and feel inspired to ever greater heights myself.

What is it that hinders us from expressing the Divine Spiritual Beings that we are?
What I have found is a primary impediment to allowing my Higher-Self to flow through me is being so busy and hurried with my daily life that I forget to take the time to be still and allow life to naturally unfold around and through me. I can get so very busy trying to make things happen that I actually get in the way of the Universe delivering all that I that I have asked for. When I do get out of the way, and stop trying, the Universe brings me what I want in ways greater and better than I could have imagined.

When I take the time to be quiet with myself, to meditate, to see what the Universe brings to me, rather than working so hard to make something “happen”, then I allow all life to simply and naturally flow to me. I can then choose what I want to do and whom I want to be with in my journeys.

Another way to encourage the Divine flow is spending time in nature. This helps me to remember the natural flow of life and living. Sitting on a rock in the middle of a stream of flowing water clears and nourishes me. Walking in a forest allows my mind to rest and the natural world to balance my energies. Watching the waves come in on a beach allows me to remember so much that I may have forgotten in my hurry, especially when I am away from nature, and surrounded by cars, concrete, steel and city noise.

I hope you can make it a priority in your life to have a little more time for meditation, quiet contemplative times and time in nature. You will feel better. You will have a clearer and stronger feeling of connection with your Higher-Self. Your life will naturally unfold with much more grace and ease. You will know what is the best choice for you among many options. Life will be sweet and once unseen openings will be available for you that would have been missed if you were in a hurry, living a busy overworked life.

I am soon off for the forests and time by the ocean to allow nature to nurture and fill me once again, to slow my pace and meditate deeply.

In Light, Love & Service,

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