Monday, July 26, 2010

Holding A Higher Vibration - Apr '10

As usual I have been thinking about how we construct our “worlds”, how and why things become physically manifest. How and why all the various things that make up our daily experiences come together and why one possible thing physically manifests and not another. Then when we interact with the things that show up we continue an ongoing combination of connections and experiences. Things that make up our life and experience such as our health, the jobs we find ourselves doing, the people in our life, all the millions of little things and combinations that come together in all the ways that they do as we move about in our day.

A scientist may look through the lens of a microscope to discover the worlds of things hidden from our eyes by their smallness. Worlds of incredible diversity can be observed through the magnification of the microscope and creatures, complex and amazing to watch and study. Those worlds and things are usually hidden from our view but they are there having a life of their own usually unobserved by us.

How we create our reality, our world that we live in, is similar in a way to using a microscope. Our manifesting is usually unobserved without the proper lens to see it and how it functions. The lens that we can use to “see” and choose the creations that we will physically manifest is our FEELINGS. Our feelings allow us to see what we will be attracting and creating; what we will be drawing to us that then will be physically manifested into our lives.

Our Universe was designed to allow us to create the kind of life we desire. The Universe has no judgment of “right” and “wrong”. It just gives to us circumstances and events that are in alignment with the vibration that we are holding in any present moment. Simply stated, the universe lets us create and manifest our personal world through the vibration we are predominately in. What we focus on through our feelings and emotions translates into a vibration that attracts into our lives things, events and circumstances that will physically manifest.

Through our feelings, our emotions we send out vibrations and the Universe then gives to us those things that are of a similar vibration. When I am allowing myself to stay in a state of anger, fear or depression, this vibration is what I am predominately radiating. So our kind and loving Universe responds to this by arranging events and circumstances that are in alignment with this vibration. I will encounter angry people, connect with fearful circumstances and find even more things to be depressed about. All this confirms that the world is just the kind of a place that my vibrations are making “real” for me.

When I allow myself to stay in feelings of appreciation, joy and love then this is the vibration that I am predominately radiating out to the Universe. Our kind and loving Universe responds to this by arranging events and circumstances that are in alignment with this vibration. I will encounter things to be appreciative about, find joyful things happening in my life and loving people and events will begin to manifest in my world. All this confirms to me that the world is just the kind of a place that my vibrations are making “real” for me.

So, what is very crucial and important to understand is that you have control of what you will find physically manifesting into your personal world, the events in your daily life. Through your attention on how you are feeling at any given moment in time you have the guidance of knowing what you will be attracting to yourself in the future. If you do not like what is currently manifesting in your personal world, pay more attention to your feelings and emotions. Allow your focus to be on what feels better to you in any given moment and allow that to shift and move into a better and higher FEELING place within yourself.

You have many ways available to you of shifting yourself into a higher vibrating place. The higher you vibration you are holding, the higher probability that things and events will manifest into your world that are pleasing to you. Sometimes it is a simple as resting more and allowing yourself to see and feel all the beauty and wonder that there is around you. A simple daily meditation practice that you enjoy and feels good to you will help shift your vibration into a higher place. Sometimes having the short term assistance of someone who offers energetic alignment work will give you a boost into a higher vibration that you can then maintain on your own without any other outside help.

I hope my thoughts on how we create our personal world has been helpful and at the very least stimulation for you. I wish you marvelous and wonderful creating in you personal worlds!

In Light, Love & Service,

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