Friday, January 31, 2014

Once Upon a Time

I have a little story for you this month that may be familiar and even known to some of you and surprisingly comforting hopefully informative and interesting to others. This story starts as many stories do with the words, “Once upon a time.” This lets the listener know that what they are about to hear is a story, a tale that may entertain, contain wisdom and is simplified so that the message can be conveyed in a way that allows for unusual and sometimes foreign ideas to be looked at, received and integrated into your mental and emotional systems gently.

Once upon a time, in a place where there was no time a vast energy became aware that in our “human” terms, it was a little bored. Now this vast energy was such that we with our human minds can not really understand how such a thing could be, that such an entity so unimaginably huge, all knowing and powerful could ever become tired of its existence or desiring somehow more and wishing expansion. Well it was and opened to expanding even more!

Because it knew everything, nothing could surprise it or really give it an original thought or idea. This incredibly huge entity was so big and expansive that in comparison to our Universe, our whole Universe was like the size a single atom is to the size of the Earth. In other words “it” was bigger and vaster than what we can really conceive of. So, after what might be to us after several billion years as we conceive of and think of time, this entity that could be called All-that-Is conceived of a plan to bring into existence more expansion and growth. This plan would also offer possibilities in constant expansion, exploring countless possibilities and the possibility of discovering something new!

The idea that was conceived was to separate parts of itself and send these parts out away from itself in such a way that the separated parts would have an individual consciousness of their own. Now these smaller parts of the great whole were in constant connection and communication with their greater self and even though they had individuated consciousness because of the connection and constant direct communication nothing unique or new really was achieved or discovered. These parts of the greater whole assumed different functions or purposes.  They could work together or separately, however they desired. Generally speaking, some parts became primarily Creators and others Servers to the Creators and their creations.

Another plan was born through the understandings gained from the first group of individuated parts of the greater consciousness.

The plan was to further individuate and then to construct places of “free will” where the further individuated parts would find themselves in a place of forgetfulness that would allow for the freedom to discover and create from an illusion of separation from the whole of who they really are. The universes constructed would allow for the biological “housing” of the individuated parts in various forms of physical expression. Once physically housed the individuated parts would “forget” almost all of who and what they really are and where they may most recently have “originated” from as well as the inseparable connection to the oneness and unity that they truly are. Various constructs were put into place within the physical biology to assist in the forgetfulness and reinforce the illusion of separation.

So, with great enthusiasm and excitement individuated portions of God-Goddess-All-That-Is further individuated and lined up to send and allow another fragment, a spark of It’s wholeness to incarnate into a physical biological entity that was wonderfully limited.

Forgetting and being limited as compared with knowing everything that would ever happen was the key to helping the expansion of All-that-Is in unique and new ways, offering challenge and new possibilities to unfold. The biological entity, amazingly complex and able to reproduce creating more biological entities like themselves able to house even more sparks of a greater whole, a greater divinity into a “new” growing, evolving body that would be able to continue this process of expansion and creation for all of the physical and non- physical parts combined expansion!

With great delight, many plans, ideas to explore, multiple options and untold combinations of interaction to be explored this family of light, of non-physical entities parts of even greater aspects of Itself sent multiple sparks, multiple aspects of Itself (Its many selves now) into physical worlds and into physical bodies. All knew that once physically incarnated the Sparks would forget their true origin and immortal nature and believe themselves to be much much less than what they truly are. Because of this forgetting all kinds of new and unique situations could be acted out. The actors could play all different kinds of roles throughout the ages as this physical place would have the illusion of time so firmly set within the biology of the incarnated Sparks and their physicality would have a limited lifespan so all possibilities and possible combinations of roles could be played and acted out. The physical bodies aged through time and then transitioned back to their greater non-physical aspects to line up again to have the chance to be physical again and to continue to play various roles with their brothers and sisters in physical form.

Even though the Sparks would forget their true nature they were all given a guidance system that allowed them to navigate in the worlds they found themselves in. They would get direction and guidance from the greater non-physical parts of themselves through their feelings. Their feelings were a direct way to align with the pathways offering the highest choice in any given situation. Feelings of joy, enthusiasm, excitement, passion, heart opening, love and the feeling of just knowing what was “right” would guide and point out the way.

The stage for this grand play that the Sparks were the actors on would offer the opportunity for separation, the illusion of death (to make it all feel so “real” and critically important) and the opportunity to play multiple roles and challenge each other to bring out the highest expression of creativity within each other. Being vast multi-dimensional masters there would be constant assistance, guidance and opportunity for shift and change from the non-physical aspect of the Sparks and other non-physical entities whose joy it is to assist in the ongoing play. The individual Sparks could decide if they wanted to act in a drama, comedy, love story, adventure or whatever aspect they might individually choose to focus on.

Through their connection to the source of all that is whatever the individual Sparks decided to focus on they would increase that in their own reality, their own world

The Sparks mission was through the contrast of knowing what they would prefer not to have or participate in as their reality, would be able to create the reality, the life situations they each uniquely desired through their focus and what they gave their attention to. They could individually and collectively create whatever they focused on and due to the delay in time from thought to manifestation they could change their direction as they evolved and as it pleased them. Some Sparks had some preset agendas and by following the path that contained the most “heart”, the path that was illuminated for them through their feelings and emotions they would always know the better direction to take and the better choices to be made that would bring about the highest manifestations in their lives.

So, I am sure you have discovered by now that every single human on this Earth is in terms of the little story above, a Spark of All-That-Is.

You are the physical manifestation of an unbelievably vast multi-dimensional entity and are always connected, loved and supported by this greater part of you.

There is much more depth and room of expansion to this “story” and maybe in future months I will offer more elaboration on the various aspects mentioned or eluded to. I hope you enjoyed this little story and your ongoing creations in your personal life and world!

If you are loving your life and physical manifestations this is absolutely wonderful, keep doing just what you are currently doing! If you would like some assistance in fine tuning your journey into one more appealing to you please look at the various Sessions I have to offer. You also can look forward to some new Sessions I have just received for this year and the current energies we are getting and opening up to receive and work with!

In Light, Love & Service,



  1. Hello Adama,

    I am With You on This Understanding.


  2. Once upon a time in the Now, is how i like to coin it ">) and i would again like to thank you for being you -- and this time, thank you for sharing something i've known, but rarely heard or read from another, this view point. { At least not on this physical plane ">) Your thoughts succint. Well done sir, bravo. It is an interesting chain of events the last 4.5 billions years or so ">) & am thankful we've unlocked the barriers that kept us repeating, & so much more ">) many blessings to you...

  3. Much of the above "story" is in line with Jewish Mystical teachings.
