Monday, July 26, 2010

Believing In A Dream - Jul '10

I would like to share with you a short story that recently happened. It is about how the Universe works to support us far beyond the physical actions we take. This is a true story and I that I think is inspirational and may be well worth your time to read.

I have a friend that I have known for many years who owns a small business where he works for himself. He has his challenges like we all do with making a living, navigating relationships, raising a family and living life with all its ups and downs as best as he can.

He works many long hours serving the people who come into his little shop and regularly helps people in many was, often giving things away and providing work or assistance for people in need. I have seen him continually strive to be positive, learn and grow. He has helped raise a couple of children and one is just graduating from high school this year and looking to get into the best university possible. His sons both have worked at their father’s shop through the years and done many things to earn their own money for school clothing and other things they wanted.

Universities, as you know are, expensive. Good ones tend to be more expensive. My friend wanted his son to get into the best university possible and he unfortunately does not have nearly the income that would allow him to pay the tuition and living expenses of even an average university.

I had many conversations with him about this process long before his son graduated from High School and began to apply to the various universities. Exploring all the avenues he could think of he still came out with far less finances than the University and living expenses demanded for his son.

His son works very hard at school, studying long hours, and he is an athlete. He has chosen a less popular high school sport and excelled in it through the years. He won several awards in competition and showed great promise. He was offered small scholarships from a couple of the universities he applied to.

Watching this young man grow up I am continuingly impressed with how kind, bright happy, caring and intelligent he has become. There is much more I could say but will be brief for this story and move to the conclusion.

My friend continued to do all he could to figure how to assist his son get into the University that was really the best, not necessarily the least expensive. From a logical point of view, or from an accountant’s point of view it was hopeless. There just was no way to pay for it or really borrow the money necessary to make it happen. However, they did not give up hope or stop searching for some possibility that might make this dream come true.

One day, a couple of months ago, as my friend was working a man he had never seen came up to him and asked if he could speak to him about his son. Being busy and working alone in his shop my friend said no and that he had to leave immediately after work to buy supplies for his store. He told the man to come back later and talk with him another day. The man insisted and said it would be very brief. So my friend reluctantly said he would give him a couple of minutes to hear whatever he had to say.

This stranger said he liked how my friend’s son was so dedicated to his sport, was an exceptional young man and heard he wanted to go to a University to pursue the sport and continue his education. He had also heard that it did not look possible because of their lack of money. The stranger said he would like to offer to pay for all my friend’s son’s university expenses as a pure gift with no restrictions! Needless to say the offer was humbly accepted with great appreciation and wonder. It is now several months later and everything is working out perfectly.

I love this story! It is a real-life example that illustrates there is so much more happening behind the scenes of this great “play” we are living that we call “life”. The Universe will support us in unmanageable ways when we stay true to our desires and do not give up our hopes or our dreams. It shows us that help is available, from very unexpected sources, often when we least expect it.

When we act out of love for something that inspires us, or for someone we care deeply for, trust that the Universe will arrange for amazing things to happen that might seem impossible for someone who does not trust in the mystery of life.

When you are in alignment with yourself, you invite the Universe to bring to you all that you desire. The Universe loves you unconditionally and will give to you what you focus on. What are you focusing on? Is this what you want more of in you life?

Wishing you Much Love and Gentle Unfolding into the Divinity that You Are.

The Divine In Nature - Jun '10

In our quest for the Spiritual, we often forget that we ARE Spiritual Beings. We do not need to work to “be spiritual”. What we can do is to let go of all the things that hinder us from expressing the divine spiritual beings that we truly are. The majority of things that hinder us from expressing the highest aspects of our divinity on a daily basis are bad habits of attention and focus that we learned at an early age by our well meaning parents and through growing up in the society that we do.

Our very existence here on Earth is a gift to “All That Is” (God, Goddess or whatever we might conceive of as a supreme deity, the creator of everything we are conscious of). We are each divine sparks of the greater flame of our Higher-Self, that in turn is part of the flame of a greater brilliance, that in turn is the everlasting light of All That IS. We are all sparks of divinity exploring the contrast of this earthly existence and adding our unique energetic imprint for the benefit of everything. This IS what we are, whether we are aware of it or not.

Through our exploration of life and the contrast offered here on Earth we automatically assist everyone and everything to expand and become more evolved, conscious and clear. When we allow ourselves to align with our Higher-Self (our divinity) we feel great, expansive, alive, clear, creative, filled with joy and love. We find we are in the “right” place at the “right” time and everything flows gracefully and smoothly for us. We naturally say, and do the “right” things at the “right” time for ourselves and everyone else around us.

So, when I let go of the things that are not allowing my Higher-Self to be more actively and consciously flowing through me on a daily basis my life is expansive, filled with joy, creativity, love, clarity, excitement, a feeling of fulfillment, perfect timing and co-creation with other people who are allowing their Higher-Self to flow more freely through them as well. I easily find the type of “work” that feels most correct for me and offers all those things that are what I enjoy and feel good doing. I become an inspiration for others and feel inspired to ever greater heights myself.

What is it that hinders us from expressing the Divine Spiritual Beings that we are?
What I have found is a primary impediment to allowing my Higher-Self to flow through me is being so busy and hurried with my daily life that I forget to take the time to be still and allow life to naturally unfold around and through me. I can get so very busy trying to make things happen that I actually get in the way of the Universe delivering all that I that I have asked for. When I do get out of the way, and stop trying, the Universe brings me what I want in ways greater and better than I could have imagined.

When I take the time to be quiet with myself, to meditate, to see what the Universe brings to me, rather than working so hard to make something “happen”, then I allow all life to simply and naturally flow to me. I can then choose what I want to do and whom I want to be with in my journeys.

Another way to encourage the Divine flow is spending time in nature. This helps me to remember the natural flow of life and living. Sitting on a rock in the middle of a stream of flowing water clears and nourishes me. Walking in a forest allows my mind to rest and the natural world to balance my energies. Watching the waves come in on a beach allows me to remember so much that I may have forgotten in my hurry, especially when I am away from nature, and surrounded by cars, concrete, steel and city noise.

I hope you can make it a priority in your life to have a little more time for meditation, quiet contemplative times and time in nature. You will feel better. You will have a clearer and stronger feeling of connection with your Higher-Self. Your life will naturally unfold with much more grace and ease. You will know what is the best choice for you among many options. Life will be sweet and once unseen openings will be available for you that would have been missed if you were in a hurry, living a busy overworked life.

I am soon off for the forests and time by the ocean to allow nature to nurture and fill me once again, to slow my pace and meditate deeply.

In Light, Love & Service,

If The World Was Your Restaurant, What Would You Order? - May '10

I love Spring, its warmth and green growing things after all the contrast of the cold and gray of Winter. Without contrast everything would be the same and after some time it becomes boring and tends to put me to sleep. Even very beautiful things repeated without any change or contrast become monotone and less and less pleasing. A single tone becomes tiresome hearing it repeatedly without another tone in-between and after a long enough time of hearing it, our ears can actually ignore it as if it was not there.

If everything were the same all the time we would soon become dull and sleep through our daily lives. It would be like eating the same food all the time without any variance. After many days of the same meal we would long for something different, something to spice it up, something different to eat.

I would propose the somewhat radical idea that all the contrast in our lives gives us the richness, the beauty that we so love, crave and enjoy. The radical part being, we invite the contrast into our lives to give us the opportunity to experience change, to allow us to choose what we really want and to wake us up. From an awake and consciously choosing place we then have the opportunity to invite more of what we really want into our lives.

Imagine you were invited to a large restaurant that had many chefs all cooking wonderful, different foods and they offered a giant table with everything they cooked for you to sample.
You would have the opportunity to sample, to try many different dishes, unique foods and different tastes of all kinds. Given the opportunity to choose whatever foods pleased you, I doubt that you would choose the foods that were unpleasant to you. Without the contrast of the other more pleasing foods though, you would not have the opportunity to refine and then choose the things you liked the very best. The more choices you have the more opportunity you have to find out what it is that you like the most. I am using this food analogy to possibly help you to understand better what I am going to say next.

I propose that there is a greater part of us actively working behind our usual consciousness that invites into our lives contrast of all kinds so that we then can more consciously choose what fits best for us in any given moment. When something in our daily life is offered to us it is the contrast that we have experienced that helps us decide if we wish to embrace this new thing or not. Sometimes the only way we can determine if this new thing is something we wish to keep in our life is by trying it and seeing how it feels and works in our lives. Trying something new will greatly enhance our lives and may offer us the opportunity to simply experience a contrast that will enhance our ability to choose wisely in the future. Our willingness to experience new things gives us more depth and understanding of ourselves.

Our world is filled with contrasts and it is our opportunity to choose amongst all the various choices what fits best for us at any given time. Through our choices in what we focus on and put our energy into we then get more and more of that particular focus and energy into our life. I suggest that you focus on those things pleasing to you and that bring you more joy, love, pleasure and happiness. It seems rather odd to me that if I went to that restaurant I mentioned above and given all the many choices available, that I would focus on and choose anything that was unpleasant and tasted bad to me.

So, if the whole world was your restaurant and you could choose among the different offerings what would you choose to focus on and bring into your life? When you catch yourself focusing on and ingesting things that are unpleasant to you I would advise you to make other choices and put your attention and energies into more pleasing things!

I invite you to take 10 minutes a day for the next 7 days, maybe in a simple meditation or before you go to sleep at night, to become aware of and begin celebrating all those things in your life that have brought you greater discernment (all that contrast). By celebrating rather than vilifying the contrast you have experienced in your life you will be offering an energy that is positive and invites more of the same positive energy to connect with you. Tell the “story” of how those things that have been your greatest challenges in this life has given you the greatest gifts. You have been given the gift of discernment and the knowing of what it is you really want. Offering a blessing to those people, events and situations that have been most challenging for you will naturally invite the Universe to bring more of what it is that fits best for you now and is in your highest and best alignment Now.

In Light, Love & Service,

Holding A Higher Vibration - Apr '10

As usual I have been thinking about how we construct our “worlds”, how and why things become physically manifest. How and why all the various things that make up our daily experiences come together and why one possible thing physically manifests and not another. Then when we interact with the things that show up we continue an ongoing combination of connections and experiences. Things that make up our life and experience such as our health, the jobs we find ourselves doing, the people in our life, all the millions of little things and combinations that come together in all the ways that they do as we move about in our day.

A scientist may look through the lens of a microscope to discover the worlds of things hidden from our eyes by their smallness. Worlds of incredible diversity can be observed through the magnification of the microscope and creatures, complex and amazing to watch and study. Those worlds and things are usually hidden from our view but they are there having a life of their own usually unobserved by us.

How we create our reality, our world that we live in, is similar in a way to using a microscope. Our manifesting is usually unobserved without the proper lens to see it and how it functions. The lens that we can use to “see” and choose the creations that we will physically manifest is our FEELINGS. Our feelings allow us to see what we will be attracting and creating; what we will be drawing to us that then will be physically manifested into our lives.

Our Universe was designed to allow us to create the kind of life we desire. The Universe has no judgment of “right” and “wrong”. It just gives to us circumstances and events that are in alignment with the vibration that we are holding in any present moment. Simply stated, the universe lets us create and manifest our personal world through the vibration we are predominately in. What we focus on through our feelings and emotions translates into a vibration that attracts into our lives things, events and circumstances that will physically manifest.

Through our feelings, our emotions we send out vibrations and the Universe then gives to us those things that are of a similar vibration. When I am allowing myself to stay in a state of anger, fear or depression, this vibration is what I am predominately radiating. So our kind and loving Universe responds to this by arranging events and circumstances that are in alignment with this vibration. I will encounter angry people, connect with fearful circumstances and find even more things to be depressed about. All this confirms that the world is just the kind of a place that my vibrations are making “real” for me.

When I allow myself to stay in feelings of appreciation, joy and love then this is the vibration that I am predominately radiating out to the Universe. Our kind and loving Universe responds to this by arranging events and circumstances that are in alignment with this vibration. I will encounter things to be appreciative about, find joyful things happening in my life and loving people and events will begin to manifest in my world. All this confirms to me that the world is just the kind of a place that my vibrations are making “real” for me.

So, what is very crucial and important to understand is that you have control of what you will find physically manifesting into your personal world, the events in your daily life. Through your attention on how you are feeling at any given moment in time you have the guidance of knowing what you will be attracting to yourself in the future. If you do not like what is currently manifesting in your personal world, pay more attention to your feelings and emotions. Allow your focus to be on what feels better to you in any given moment and allow that to shift and move into a better and higher FEELING place within yourself.

You have many ways available to you of shifting yourself into a higher vibrating place. The higher you vibration you are holding, the higher probability that things and events will manifest into your world that are pleasing to you. Sometimes it is a simple as resting more and allowing yourself to see and feel all the beauty and wonder that there is around you. A simple daily meditation practice that you enjoy and feels good to you will help shift your vibration into a higher place. Sometimes having the short term assistance of someone who offers energetic alignment work will give you a boost into a higher vibration that you can then maintain on your own without any other outside help.

I hope my thoughts on how we create our personal world has been helpful and at the very least stimulation for you. I wish you marvelous and wonderful creating in you personal worlds!

In Light, Love & Service,

Thanks To Japan - Mar '10

I am recently back from Japan and moving back into my life here!

It is always an honor to be able to travel and share the Workshops and Individual Sessions that I can offer to those who find them of value.

Each time I go to Japan it is a deepening of my love for Japan, the people who live there, as well as a continuing unfolding of my own personal skills and abilities at all levels. The workshops were beautiful, powerful, intense and fun. Students came from all over Japan to participate and learn. Some were professional “healers” and there were others who had never done any type of work like this before.

Every student went away with great new skills; improved abilities and sessions to share with loved ones or offer to clients. Individual sessions were amazing, loving, intense, powerful, beautiful and surprisingly gentle. I believe each person received more than they expected and were very pleased with their experience.

I am always in awe and humbled by the marvelous co-creation that takes place in the Workshops and Individual Sessions. I hope you can talk to someone who participated and hear what he or she has to say about his or her own experience.

As wonderful an experience as this trip was, I have exhausted myself from all the experiences of this trip and am taking time to nurture and revitalize myself. There are always more people asking for private sessions than can be accommodated and I find that I overextend myself by adding private Sessions during times scheduled to rest. I am also so honored that so many people desire to receive the hands on energy that is being offered. It is always such an honor to share possibly life-changing work with those who are drawn to it and are guided by their Higher-Self to receive it.

There is a rather personal thing I would like to share. The relationship between Khakira and I has changed and shifted once more. We are no longer married. We enjoy working together and are at our best offering workshops or doing individual sessions. We love and care about each other greatly and are pleased to be able to continue offering the work we do together to those desiring it.

Spring has arrived here in Ashland Oregon where I live and it is delightful. Flowers and the scent of honey are in the air from all the blossoms on the trees. It is a time of renewal and rebirth in many ways. I will be offering a new long distance Session that I had talked about in past “Monthly Thoughts” and look forward to sharing this with you soon.

Wishing you beautiful openings and unfolding into more and more of who you truly are!

In Light, Love & Service,

The Real Thing - Feb '10

As I prepare for the journey to Japan on February 14th I have been reflecting on the Workshops that Khakira and I will teach. What is most important to me is that what is taught in the Workshops can be received by those who are attending in a way that serves them in the highest way possible and that they then can offer what they have experienced to others if they choose. I would like each person to have an extraordinary experience and then be able to share this with others.

Sometimes extraordinary experiences are very powerful and you feel like you are in a whirlwind of movement, shift and change. You know something very big and profound is happening. Very often they are subtle, like a fine and exquisite meal or a piece of music or work of art that is hauntingly beautiful and stays with you the rest of your life, adding something indescribable yet profound to your life experience. After this experience you are more than you once were and maybe even more of who you really are. You may only discover this through time and looking back on changes, shifts and movements in your life.

Some teachers are very gifted at providing written and verbal descriptions and frameworks for their teachings. This type of teaching often appeals to technically and scholastically oriented people. These words, descriptions’ and frameworks serve to give our “mental body” a handle that it understands and can feel safe and secure with so that meaning; sense and value can be given to the teachings. This can be valuable. Unfortunately it is often substituted for the “real thing,” which is the “fruit” and the essence of the teaching. Sometimes clever students can find their way from this to the real “thing”.

What I have found is that the description of a “thing” is not the actual thing itself. You can have a description of an apple, a picture of an apple, a history of how an apple grows from a seed to a tree, sprouting leaves, then flowers and the fruit growing and ripening on the tree and the fruit finally harvested and ready to eat. You can have a complete description of everything necessary to nurture and grow an apple tree including soil, fertilizers, watering, proper sunlight and warmth, everything necessary to bring the apple to your hand.

All the words, all the descriptions’ so precious to our mental body, can never convey all that is experienced when you hold the apple in your hand and take your first bite of this fruit you have never tasted before. At this point you really “know” the taste and feel of the apple. It is no longer an idea, but an actual “felt sense,” a knowing from experience that is forever yours.

Our Workshops are more experiential and hands-on learning rather than intellectual explorations and mapping expeditions.
I strongly believe you learn by doing and experiencing rather than hearing, being told or reading about something. Our gift is the ability to transmit the codes, the keys, and the pathways of accessing the ability to actually do what is taught in the Workshop. Without this all the explanations in the world will only give you a mental understanding and no real ability to access the power to really taste, feel and transmit to another the real life, the aliveness, the richness and fullness the workshop is all about.

What you will get in our Workshops is the real thing! You will get the ability to do what the Workshop is about with a minimal of mental body gymnastics and need for mental understanding. This works especially well when we are teaching to people whose native language is not English. You can come to one of our workshops and expect to learn by doing and receiving the keys to open the pathways within yourself that allow you to proficiently and with minimal practicing, offer some extremely powerful and potentially life changing energy work. I invite you to come and taste the fruit and share it with others.

In Light Love & Service

Move Into The Future You Most Desire - Jan '10

This New Year is again an opportunity to let go of what no longer works for you and move into the future you most desire. So much of what holds us back and limits our forward movement is the repetition of old patterns and behaviors that do not serve us. What we mostly do is re-create our past, wanted and unwanted, on daily basis. We bring our past into the present. Then by our focus on what is happening right “now” (our present experience) we continue to re-create the same thing over and over. This is great if we like where we are at and what is happening in our lives! This is not so great if we would rather have something different.

There are many ways to assist ourselves in our movements forward into the futures we most desire. Becoming more and more in alignment with our Higher-Self is primary. This means your Higher-Self and not my Higher-Self! Only you can know what is right and true for you. What is correct and perfect for me may be very wrong and even detrimental to your graceful movement forward in many ways.

We are each on a very personal journey and only our Higher-Self knows the most expedient and correct path at any given point in time for each one of us.
When we are in alignment with our Higher-Self we then naturally become in alignment with others who are similarly aligned and come together in co-creative ways that expand and enhance all our life experiences.

Would you like something different to come into your life in this New Year? One simple way is to totally accept where you are presently at and begin to focus on “feeling” what it is that you would like to currently have manifesting for you as if it was already here and present, right now. For example if you would like more money, more financial abundance, begin to think of what it might feel like to have more money than you currently have. How would you feel right now with more income, more money to spend on anything you want?
  • What would it feel like to be able to go out and buy an expensive gift for someone you loved? How about being able to buy something that you always wanted or dreamed of having?
  • As long as this little mental exploration “feels” good it will accelerate your physical manifestation of what you desire.
  • If thinking these things “feels” not so good then this is an indication of resistance that is keeping what you want from coming as quickly as it could.
In general, your “feeling” sense lets you know what you have resistance to or what you are in alignment with. Simply stated “good” feelings show little resistance and “bad” feelings indicate resistance. The more you orientate towards those things that feel good or even a little better to you the more in alignment you become with the higher guidance of your Higher-Self. One of the primary ways your Higher-Self speaks to you is through your feelings.

If you wish to be in alignment with those things you want, you must first “feel” those things as if it or they were already physically present in your life no matter what is currently physically present and “real” in the moment. You have the power to influence and change your future experience through your alignment with your Higher-Self. Making your personal alignment with your Higher-Self your first and highest priority ensures that your life will evolve gracefully and continuously in a way that is most fulfilling, creative, joyful, fun, exciting, loving and expansive. Your personal alignment uplifts much more than yourself and those you care about and love, it expands and uplifts the world as well.

I am personally excited, fulfilled and delighted to be able to assist people in moving into greater alignment with their Higher-Self. Through these words you may be reading, individual sessions and various workshops my overall goal is assisting each individual into becoming more and more in alignment with their own Higher-Self. I believe and know this is how the world changes into a better place for us all. It is by our own unique and individual alignment with those higher and wiser aspects of ourselves, that are ever present and just waiting for our cooperation in aligning and harmonizing with, that we evolve personally and as a collective whole.

Wishing you an Amazing and Wonderful New Year!

In Light, Love & Service,

The New Divinity Pathways - Dec '09

I am very excited about a number of things to be sharing with you this month! First Khakira and I have been invited to return to Japan and offer Workshops and Individual Sessions starting in February of next year. We are really looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting old friends that we have never met before and sharing some very new and exciting things with you. We have also been developing some new Workshops and will offer a very new and unique Individual Session for next year as well.

The new energies that have been pouring into the Earth have been challenging for many and are the harbinger of more to come. They are helping us to open to more energy and changes on the way. Our physical energy systems are being rebuilt to accommodate the newer and more potent energies. Our very bodies are being rebuilt as we do our best to live in them and function in this changing and upwardly evolving world. It is a very exciting time we have chosen to live and participate in!

Something that has been waiting for this “time,” for the “correct timing,” both planetary as well as for our individual and collective evolvement to take place and are a very new energy system contained within our physical bodies. This new series of Pathways has recently opened and become available for us to utilize. We are calling them the Divinity Pathways as their sole function is to allow more and more of our true divinity our Higher-Self to be ever more fully grounded into our physical body like it never has been before.

The Divinity Pathways are now available for us to access as they merge, unite and intertwine with the physical body. The Divinity Pathway map and how to assist them in their embodiment was directly downloaded to Khakira while she was in deep trance states. While the Divinity Pathways may at times coincide with other energy work systems (Axiatonal Alignment, Chakra Systems, Acupuncture Meridians and others) any similarities are purely coincidental. These Pathways are unique and are the conduit for the gifts available from our Higher-Self to be much more easily brought into physical reality now that we are ready to receive and embody them.

These pathways are all about embodying more of your Divinity. They enable us to re-connect to the highest aspects of the non-physical parts of us and to bring more of that into our physicality. They let us re-member and re-call our divine abilities, like being able to embody more love and compassion, telepathic communication, clairvoyance, cellular regeneration, accessing information of all kinds, etc. As these pathways open further, more of Spirit will be allowed to flow through us, and we then become more conscious and awake. They assist us in reclaiming who we truly are and empower us to show more of that in our daily lives.

This is extremely exciting to Khakira and I and we feel so very pleased and honored to be able to share this with you. The process of how to infuse the Pathways is not complicated compared to so many other systems and modalities and feels wonderful for all involved. The Pathways can be accessed by lightly touching and holding particular parts of the body in an orderly procedure and then “infused” to increase and accelerate their functioning. There are over 70 of these pathways and working as a team, we can infuse them in approximately 4 hours.

Here is a little meditational exercise that you can do to become acquainted with the Divinity Pathways.
  1. Allow yourself to get into a calm meditative state.
  2. Become aware of the space within your physical self and all around yourself.
  3. With each breath in breathe in beautiful golden light and allow it to fill and radiate all around you as if you are filling up a balloon that is shaped like you.
  4. Breathe in golden light for several minutes, allowing yourself to be filled and overflowing with it.
  5. Imagine that your Lightbody is glowing and filled with light and points of spinning energy. It looks like a fantastic star chart, all illuminated, alive, spinning, moving and radiating more colors than you can imagine throughout the inside and outside of the physical body.
  6. Imagine and intend that the particular pathways that are the Divinity Pathways are beginning to illuminate and glow brighter and brighter. Do not worry about seeing them exactly or even at all. Your intention and desire is what is most important right now.
  7. With each breath of golden light, imagine the divinity Pathways are being infused, that they are brightening, becoming clearer and more physically manifested.
  8. Continue to breathe in golden light and allow through your intent, visualization and desire that the Divinity Pathways become stronger and brighter with each breath.
  9. Allow the peace, joy, love and feelings of connection with your Higher-Self to fill you as long as you wish and have time for.
Please enjoy this little meditation anytime you can make the time and feel like recharging yourself with more of all the highest qualities and aspects of yourself. This is a delightful meditation to do before falling asleep or before getting up to start your day.

Wishing you overflowing love, joy and graceful expansion in your life!

Changing Your "Tapes" - Nov '09

Lately, I have been thinking about how the remote (long distance) sessions I do work and how we influence and affect each other by all the things that we do and think. I have been contemplating ideas of how I could teach other people to do effective and powerful remote sessions and what are the key ingredients that must be mastered for the greatest success in this process. From these ponderings, along with “downloads” of information I often get in meditation and while doing remote sessions a possible new workshop and an individual session is currently being developed and tested.

While doing sessions I often receive what can best be described as “downloads” of information. I also receive such “downloads” during my regular meditations. This information comes in words, pictures, feelings and sometimes simply a clear knowing of what was not known before. Usually this happens very fast and a great deal of information is compressed into a single moment in time. Like if you took a 90 minute movie and compressed it into 30 seconds, and then experienced the whole 90 minute movie in only 30 seconds or less (often I experience it in less time, like in a few seconds). It is a very high energy transmission channeled through my Higher-Self.

When received while doing a session, this “download” often relates directly to the session I am doing and expands on its usual parameters. Sometimes it is about something completely different and new. What allows this “download” is a very spiritually clear and high meditational place where I come into alignment with my Higher-Self and other very high beings of Light and can then access higher knowing and knowledge.

I would like to share some powerful tools that you can work with right now.
These simple steps will help you to remove some of the things that may be negatively affecting your relationships. Hopefully you can be clearer with your thoughts and energy and more easily achieve the types of relationships you really want with various people in your life. I will do my best to put my thoughts into words that will make sense to you and hopefully give you some practical applications to use in your life. I will start as solid and concrete as possible before moving into the more abstract.

Not so very long ago, in the age before the internet, we all had to physically write and send letters that needed to be physically carried through space and time to hopefully be delivered to its intended receiver, often after several days or more of travel. Now many of us use a computer of some sort to send email that gets delivered almost immediately carried over unseen electronic ways. Almost all of us use a telephone to communicate with people not right in front of us. We share our thoughts, ask for assistance and give directions, all from a distance connected by an instrument in our hands (telephone) and a signal is sent over wires and now wirelessly to it’s intended receiver. We talk to them sharing our thoughts, emotions and ideas as if they were right in front of us.

When we do not connect with the person we are calling there is almost always an answering machine or system in place so we can leave a message for them. We usually leave a message for them and in time they usually respond to our message that we left.

Here comes the more esoteric part of this energy connection. When we think of someone we are energetically connecting to that person and sending a message to him or her, like calling on the telephone. A number of factors depend on how this message is received by the person you were thinking about. Right now what is important is that you are open to the idea that your thoughts have power and carry energy. The more we think certain thoughts the more powerful the energy that is being thought can become.

Using the telephone and answering machine analogy, your thoughts can be held in an energetic “answering machine” that you carry around with you all the time. This “psychic answering machine” contains all the thoughts you have thought about other people in your life. Repetitive thoughts can increase in power and potency. Depending on the sensitivity of the person you are thinking about (and other factors) they pick up on the feelings, pictures and overall energy of what you have sent out towards them. Is this idea new to you or have you known or suspected this for a long time?

So, people you have been thinking about can and do receive the energetics (feelings, pictures and overall energy) of your non-physical communication with them! They also can react to you in the physical world from the messages you have been thinking about them and that are stored in this non-physical answering machine.

You carry around this “psychic answering machine” and everyone else has their own one. It is usually more effective in delivering its messages when you are in close proximity with the person that you have been sending these psychic messages to (the person or people you “think” about). They then often react to you from this “psychic answering machine” as much as from what you are communicating to them in the moment of your present interaction, and often more from what is contained in what I am calling the “psychic answering machine”! The implications of this are huge in understanding why people react to us they way that they do.

You may wish to consider your thoughts more closely and what you are sending into your personal “psychic answering machine” that delivers all the messages it has saved to the people in your life on a continuous basis. Loving, kind, clear, supportive, trusting, non-judgmental, empowering thoughts “feel” wonderful when they are received and there is a natural reaction to them and the sender. Thoughts of a less positive nature usually do not “feel” so good when received and there is a natural reaction to them and the sender. People you have known for a long time (like your family) and thought about for a long time can have a really large and mixed amount of energy in the “psychic answering machine” you carry around about them. You may be wise in considering erasing the old and out of date things that are less positive and that are in your “psychic answering machine”.

Here is a simple way to erase those things that you would rather have deleted from your “psychic answering machine”. This technique will be more effective for some people than for others.

  1. Bring yourself into a calm meditative space and ask for help with this process from the highest non-physical beings you may wish to assist you.
  2. Imagine that you have a “psychic answering machine” that looks very physical and has a “play” and “erase negatives” button on it.
  3. Imagine an individual in your life that you would like to review what is contained about them in your “psychic answering machine”.
  4. Press the play button and notice all the things that come to you that are contained in the “psychic answering machine” about this person.
  5. After you feel complete with what you have received, imagine or intend to press the “erase negatives” button. All those things that carry a lower vibration and are less than neutral or positive will be erased and cleared from the “psychic answering machine”.
  6. You may wish to take some time and put in more loving, kind, clear, supportive, trusting, non-judgmental, empowering thoughts, energy and pictures into the “psychic answering machine” you hold about this person.
  7. When you are complete bring yourself fully present in your meditation space and give thanks to any help you may have received with this technique and know you have done something very good and positive for another and yourself.
You may wish to do this technique only once or multiple times with the same person. If you choose to do it again with the same person you should find that there are none, almost none or a great deal less negatives contained in any playback from your “psychic answering machine” about that individual.

There are other ways to work with the psychic energy and the pictures we hold and carry around with us about others in our lives. What I have given is a simple way to start your clearing process. As I said at the beginning of the month’s “Thoughts” I am also developing a session to work with clearing this “psychic answering machine” for those who may wish some further assistance from me regarding such a clearing.

In Light, Love & Service,

Consciously Colorful Manifesting - Oct '09

Your "past" consists of all that was, what is not happening right "now". In fact everything in our thoughts has passed; our memory is only of the past. Your past, all you have lived, dreamed, thought, felt and experienced translates into vibration. This vibration is not a single "tone" but could be thought of as having many different tones or notes, maybe even a symphony of various sounds.

If your past were a painting, or a series of paintings, it would consist of various colors, shapes and themes. Usually the primary colors of your life’s "paintings" were given to you from your childhood by your parents and the society and culture you grew up in. Often these primary colors that we have taken on from childhood become the palate that we then form our adult “paintings” and the “tapestry” of our lives and daily experiences.

This palate of colors we "find" ourselves painting from can be wonderfully complete or it could be missing shades, hues, vibrancy, variation and even some primary colors. We can see this in what is currently manifesting in our lives at the present moment.
  • Do you like the painting of your life as it is manifesting today?
  • Does it show you are painting the story of your life with a full and varied palate of colors?
  • Are your paintings filled with those things that you value and find pleasing?
  • Would you like more color?
  • Maybe you’d like a more adventurous exploration of what is possible if you added some more colors or maybe different shades?
When we play with contrast in our "paintings" it can help bring us into greater awareness of what may be more desired. When we find our creations are darker than we like it is natural to add more colors of a lighter shade and hue. In fact the more contrast we have the more clearly we know what would be more pleasing to us. So, contrast is good as it brings clarity and gives us the vision of how to paint our future in such a way that brings us more of what we truly want and desire in our lives!

This is your creation so you can keep manifesting what you are seeing or you can change it. You can add colors and shades by becoming aware of the palate you are painting from. You can even erase or paint over certain areas by not giving so much attention and emotional energy to certain things that are less pleasing to you.

One strategy is to become aware of our beliefs, especially any that may be less conscious and limiting our palate. Beliefs are energy, a vibration that attracts what they are about. If I believe the world is a hard and difficult place to live in, then I naturally attract experiences and situations that will justify and support "my" belief!

Here is an exercise that may be interesting, fun and informative for you. Taking some time and actually putting this exercise on paper and making it visual and colorful will help to really see a visual representation (a better picture) of why and how you are currently manifesting what you are. You may wish to have some different colored pencils or a box of colored crayons, colored markers or colored highlighters to help with this exploration.

  1. Write down as many beliefs that you can think of on a piece of paper (like white printer paper). For example you may have a beliefs like: “I have to work hard to get enough money to live comfortably.” “I have to keep everybody happy in my life or bad things will happen to me.” “If I stand out or are different bad things will happen to me.” “It is not safe to tell or show my true feelings.” Those “beliefs” all have a certain tone or color. I am sure you can already see where we are going. You will probably have many beliefs that are of a different tone like: “Things always work out in ways better than I could have imagined.” “My life is getting better and better.” “People like and respect me.” “Life is fun and exciting.” Those “beliefs” all have a certain tone or color different than the first group.
  2. Give each belief you write down a color or a shade of color reflecting if they are more uplifting (they feel “good”) or not so uplifting (they feel neutral, draining or give a sinking feeling). Uplifting beliefs get bright and light colors and the more neutral or less uplifting beliefs get darker and less bright colors. Color the whole sentence (the belief) with the color you choose that best reflect its “color” and “tone”.
The more beliefs you write down and give colors that reflect possibly how bright or dark they may be, the more you can see what kind of palate your have to paint your life with and what you are naturally attracting more of into your life.

Remember you automatically attract and physically manifest as your “reality” from the beliefs you carry with you and automatically project outward.
So, what kind of an artist’s palate do you have to work with? Do you like your palate? Want to add more colors? Want to let go of some? It’s all your creation and the more conscious you become the more you can consciously create your life “paintings” into works of art that really please you and brings you continual joy, love and fulfillments!

You can work with your beliefs by becoming conscious of them and then choosing to give them energy or not. What you focus on and put emotional intensity into creates a resonance that draws more of the same to you. You physically create from your focus! I know what beliefs and colors I wish to paint with. How about you?

Wishing You Much Love and Consciously Colorful Manifesting!

The Energy Of Joy - Sept '09

I have been assisting and teaching during August in various Hakomi Psychotherapy Workshops. I am very honored to be able to work with and assist the founder of the Hakomi method of assisted self-discovery, Doctor Ron Kurtz, during the Trainings and Workshops. This method is a simple and powerful way to assist another person to discover for themselves what they may be unconscious of that is causing them unnecessary suffering in their life. When performed correctly as it is currently being taught by Dr Kurtz, it is very gentle, non-violent and very effective. I am also seeing again and again how people’s thoughts create the reality that they then live in. The thoughts people think bring more and more of the same or similar type of experiences, people and events into their lives making up their current life experience.

One night a few days ago, I went through a process that I would like to share with you. I think it may help you to almost immediately shift your energy and the level of joy in your life to a higher level. It will also most likely allow you to be more uplifting to everyone you encounter in your life. You may even find people want to spend more time around and with you than ever before!

I have been having some challenging emotional times and found myself awake one night and thinking about many things. Since I could not sleep and really wanted to be rested for the new day I began to study my feelings about what I was thinking. I noticed some thoughts were fairly neutral, some uplifting and felt good and others were depressing and sad.

So what I did was every time I caught myself thinking a thought that was neutral or lower “feeling” I immediately began to put it in the most positive framework possible. An example was, I caught myself thinking, “I am sitting so much in class that my body is often hurting during the day and sitting so long in class is bad for me. I can not wait until this workshop is over!” This thought was depressing and felt like a downward spiraling of energy to me. I could even see myself spiraling downward in bed. So, I immediately said to myself, “I can take more breaks and stretch during the day and not sit so much and I really like this class and the people who are in it.” This immediately felt better to me and I felt my energy spiraling upward.

I had another thought like, “I do not have enough time to meditate in the morning when I am teaching workshops because I have to get moving earlier to get to class on time.” This thought was also depressing and felt like a downward spiraling of energy to me. So, I immediately said to myself, “You can meditate some right now and will be perfectly fine in the morning and even have more energy than usual.” This also immediately felt better to me and I felt my energy spiraling upward.

Every time I caught a thought that was neutral or lower “feeling” I immediately re-worded it to myself in a way that felt better and brought my energy spiraling upwards rather being flat or going down. I spent what seemed like the whole night doing this process with every thought I became conscious of. And I really had a lot of thoughts about many many different things! It felt to me like I did not sleep more than a few hours that night.

In the morning I got out of bed feeling better than I had felt in weeks and with energy to spare. What this tells me is that my thoughts have a great deal to do about my energy level and how “good” I feel. It also showed me I can actively work with my thoughts in a way that brings me greater energy, enthusiasm and joy in my life. It really was not that hard and the results were simply great!

I am using this with myself daily as I become conscious of my thoughts and as I am talking to myself or to others. Being conscious of my “feelings” about what I am thinking or saying and actively changing or choosing to say things in a way that feels more uplifting and better to me is improving my energy level and I am feeling much better overall. I hope you will find this useful and even fun to explore how it might improve your life as well!

In Light, Love & Service,

Axiatonal Alignment - Aug '09

You will find some current thoughts on Axiatonal Alignment below and if this does not interest you please skip to the part of this months “Thoughts” that offer you an energetic technique to help and assist others you may encounter along your way.

We have had some excellent feedback from the publication of our Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 & 2 Workbook and DVD. People who have purchased the book have found that they can understand what has been written and in conjunction with the DVD can perform the techniques with good results. Khakira and I are delighted with this and it was our desire to share this information and to help those who may not be able to attend one of our Workshops to understand and competently perform an Axiatonal Alignment session.

There is a great deal that goes into performing an Axiatonal Alignment and technical expertise is just one of the elements involved. Competently teaching Axiatonal Alignment to a group of students involves much much more than just understanding the techniques involved and being competent in performing an individual session. The techniques, procedure and methodology of the Axiatonal Level 2 is completely unique to Khakira and I. Khakira directly channeled the Axiatonal Level 2 techniques, procedure and methodology and no one is better qualified to teach this material than Khakira and I. At this point in time we have not Certified or approved of anyone else to teach Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 & 2 as we have been teaching it.

Through the years we have been coming to Japan to teach Workshops and do private Sessions we have worked particularly close with four students who have shown outstanding dedication and skill in understanding and performing the Axiatonal Alignment techniques and methodology as we have envisioned and taught this body of knowledge. These four students of ours have taken special training with us on Axiatonal Alignment and have been supervised by us more than anyone else in Japan at this point in time. Of the four students Yasuto Suzuki has trained with us the most and assisted us for the last two years while we offered Axiatonal Alignment level 1 & 2 Workshops in Japan. Our Certified Axiatonal Alignment Assistants are, Yasuto Suzuki, Masako Suzuki, Ayako Yamasaki and Yoshie Sugiura.

Khakira and I feel that these four people are our most highly trained Axiatonal Alignment practitioners and capable and competent to tutor 1 to 4 students at a time who have purchased our Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 & 2 Workbook and DVD and desire to ask questions or receive some specific advice on how to correctly perform the Axiatonal Alignments. We feel that their sharing of their skill and expertise is valuable and worth the fee they may charge for their tutoring services.

We wish to be very clear that although no one is authorized or certified by Khakira and I to teach Axiatonal Alignment as we teach it at this point in time. The four Assistants mentioned above are the only people we would recommend that anyone who has purchased the Workbook and DVD and is seeking deeper understanding and skill in performing Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 & 2 techniques should consider being tutored by. Anyone else offering to teach or tutor in Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 & 2 does not have the experience of our repeated coaching and training, technical expertise, the skills required or our permission and authorization to assist you in such a way. If anyone other than one of our Assistants is charging a fee for any teaching of Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 & 2 please use your discernment to make sure this is the best use of your time and finances. We always advise our students to use the greatest of discernment in choosing a teacher, trainer or facilitator of any kind, because even people with the highest and best intentions with high values and integrity may not be the best choice available for you.

Below is the energetic technique I mentioned at the start of this August 2009 “Monthly Thoughts” to help and assist others you may encounter along your way. I think you will like it and enjoy practicing it often!

Here is a simple and fun technique that you can use to assist people you may encounter that look like they could use some assistance and help. You can use this on anyone as it allows him or her to use the offered energy in any way that will be most helpful. You are simply offering assistance that may be like giving a drink of water to a person who is badly in need of water, nourishment and refreshment. I often use this technique as I am walking down the street and see people who are obviously hurting and in pain.

Here is how to do it:

  1. When you are ready and have found a person you wish to assist. Imagine you have a small ball of brilliant white light in your hand. The ball of light is about the size of a golf ball or a tennis ball. It is important that you imagine it or see it as pure white light, without any color at all.
  2. Begin to toss the ball of white light up and down in your hand just like you might a real physical ball. You only need to do this a couple of times.
  3. In your mind, toss this white ball of light up in the air so that you see or imagine and visualize it arching up above the top of the persons head you are assisting and dropping down on the top of their head. Just like if you had an actual ball and you wanted to gently plop it down on top of a friend’s head.
You may “see” this ball of white light disappear just above the top of their head is it is absorbed by them. Sometimes the ball of white light gets bigger after you toss it up in the air above the person’s head and sometimes it gets smaller. Once you toss the ball of white light to above the top of the other persons head your part in this gifting is done. They will use the ball of light in whatever way is best for them and only they know what is most correct. They may never consciously know what had just happened and this is fine. You have given a very loving gift of energy and can trust that the other person’s Higher-Self will know exactly how to use this gift in a way that is perfect for the person receiving it.

You have also helped your own abilities to visualize and to offer love unconditionally. You have affirmed that each person has their own journey in this life here on Earth and trusted that your gift will be used exactly in the best way possible for them at the moment that they received it. You will have the satisfaction of knowing you have given something and are not concerned with being thanked or paid for your thoughtfulness and kindness. You can enjoy the “good” feeling of having done something to help another person that may be struggling and in pain. You will also be building and strengthening your own psychic skills by using this technique often.

Wishing you much Love & light!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beliefs Creating Reality - Jul '09

Beliefs are thoughts that are repeated enough that they often become unconscious. You don’t have to think about them, they save you your limited amount of consciousness in the present moment to attend to the details of whatever is currently right in front of you. Beliefs are like computer programs that run in the background all the time, you don’t have to think about them, they just do their jobs allowing you to focus your limited attention on whatever is going on that is right in front of you in the moment.

Our attention is very limited; what we can focus on and hold in our consciousness at any one time is very limited, so beliefs and our mental constructs of the world and how it works and how we have evolved to function within it can be very helpful. If you had to consciously “think” about everything and all the possible results of your actions you would move very slowly about in the world and be subject to numerous accidents in our fast moving, life and world. Even walking around in the city and getting to where you wanted to go without mishap would be quite an accomplishment as you constantly have to make unconscious decisions to avoid other people walking, automobiles, cross streets, avoid construction activities on sidewalks and the many circumstances that we often do not really pay attention to as we have learned to just automatically go about our day and tasks.

Beliefs can be very helpful and can also be the causative factor in much unnecessary suffering. Our beliefs help to create how we experience the world around us. From our beliefs, of all the possibilities available, the Universe works to deliver those beliefs in all that we encounter in the world. What we find physically manifesting for us is a reflection of those beliefs that are conscious and unconscious.

I would like to give you an example from my life that “happened” (I put “happened” in quotes as it implies I had no connection or influence in what occurred to me) as I was traveling home from a Hakomi Workshop in June.

I was traveling back to Ashland from Vancouver British Columbia Canada on a small airplane early in the morning and had just sat down. Being one of the first people on the plane I had the opportunity to observe the other passengers as they came in to be seated.

A group of four young men came in and as they passed me I felt assaulted by their aftershave and the cologne they were wearing. I was very pleased that they continued to their seats towards the back of the plane. I grumbled to myself about insensitive people who are unaware of or just don’t care about how what they do can effect other people around them. This led me down a memory path of similar incidents, people and thoughts about my sensitivities and living in a world that is often oblivious to how chemicals, scents and smells can be aversive to anyone sensitive to such things.

Shortly, a man of what appeared to me to be of Middle Eastern ethnicity came in and sat directly in front of me. He might have bathed in cologne, deodorant and aftershave, as the odor was so powerful and strong radiating off from him. I allowed this feeling of being assaulted to continue my downward spiraling of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Airplane travel became aversive and painful, fear for my health, dislike of unconscious people, the advertising industry that promotes chemical scents as positive and good, remembering articles and books that I have read affirming how “bad” such chemicals and scents really are for people, wondering if I would get “sick” from the smells…

Somehow I was able to observe and catch myself as I sunk deeper and deeper in negative feelings, thoughts and justifications for my beliefs and sensitivities. I thought if I keep going on this direction of thought, thinking and beliefs I would really have a miserable flight and probably make myself sick before I even got home. So, I quickly determined that I have a core belief that colognes, perfumes, aftershaves, heavily scented soaps and detergents, chemical air-fresheners and all such “unnatural” scents would harm me. I also knew that my intense dislike, strong resistance and fear for my health regarding such scents would draw those exact things to me in greater and greater proportions the more I focused on them, how “bad” they were, how much I disliked them and how they would hurt me.

I immediately got as quiet as possible inside myself, ignoring the scents, incoming people and general airplane noises and began to say to myself things of a soothing nature starting with more general and then more specific thoughts like:
  1. The flight will only be an hour and I can survive it.
  2. After a short while my nose will become numb to the smells.
  3. The people wearing the colognes, perfumes, aftershaves and clothes washed in heavily scented cleaners are just unaware and if they really knew what they were doing to themselves and others they would probably make different choices.
  4. My body is healthy and strong; it will be able to transmute the chemicals before they really negatively effected me.
  5. I will be just fine and can enjoy this flight by focusing on all the things that are going “right” and are pleasant and nice about flying.
  6. People are really interesting and we are all in various stages of awakening, I wonder what their world is really like and why they make the choices that they are making.
  7. I can enjoy this ride and will be wiser for all the experiences I have gained from being here right now!
Well, can you guess what happened as I opened my eyes to see and experience the latest influx of passengers? In came two young women who obviously knew the man sitting in front of me and stopped beside him and one stood next to me as I was seated by the window and began to talk with him. They both wore heavy doses of perfume (different kinds!) and they might have bathed in the perfume seemingly just before boarding the plane they smelled so forcefully!

I surrendered at that point and even silently laughed to myself as I observed the situation I had attracted to me. Then the girl standing next to me very nicely said that she thinks she has the window seat that I was sitting in. I thought, great now she will be sitting right next to me with her girlfriend in front and the cologne drenched man next to her. Surrendering again to my manifestation I looked at my seating assignment and saw indeed I had sat in her seat and my window seat was on the next plane I was to take (same type of small airplane and same seating isle).

Now the airline steward had been attracted to the girls standing and observed correctly that the seat assignment was under discussion. I had resigned myself to sitting with all the perfume, cologne and now chattering friends around me and was internally at peace with it (I usually prefer a more quiet time so I can sleep of meditate while flying so early in the morning). Here comes the best part now.

The Airline Steward asked if there was a problem. We all said no problem, just shifting our seats. The Steward then asked if the three (heavily scented people) were friends and wanted to sit together as there was a seat where they all could sit together towards the back of the plane. They all agreed and moved away from me. So, I now had the seat in front of me empty and the seat next to me empty (quiet and scent free now) and the air quality as good as it can get in a small plane! It was a very pleasant flight and the next as well.

I believe I attracted a situation that I really did not desire by my beliefs and focus on what I disliked and the fear (fear is a big attractor) at the base of my beliefs. By immediately doing the inner work necessary to shift my lower vibrations (downward spiraling thoughts and focus) into higher vibrations (upward spiraling thoughts and focus) and not fighting what looked like an even worsening situation (the addition of the two heavily perfumed girls) my current “reality” shifted very quickly and rather unexpectedly into one much more pleasant and enjoyable. In fact my current reality shifted into my highest vision of what I wanted for that flight!

It is also important to note that the most probable outcome was for me to be seated next to heavily scented, perfumed and noisy people. I think this would have been exactly what would have happened if I had continued my downward spiraling of thoughts, beliefs and feelings. By realigning myself inwardly first my outer reality changed dramatically, quickly and unexpectedly into something much better than I had really ever expected to happen so fast.

I hope you can find use in this example for you own daily lives to shift beliefs and change situations you may find yourself in into a higher vibration that is more pleasing to you. The principals illustrated above will work in your daily life to bring you greater peace, enjoyment and satisfaction if you use them. Simply stated once you bring your own inner vibration higher, your outer reality and manifestations will reflect the new higher level you are radiating out into the world. This can happen remarkably fast and in quite improbable and wonderful ways!

In Light, Love & Service,

Lessons From A Snake - Jun '09

I was talking to a friend on the sidewalk in downtown Ashland Oregon and saw a woman grab the hands of her two children and pull them quickly backwards, stopping their movement forward. A snake had come out of some plants along the sidewalk and then feeling all the people turned and went back the way it came. It was especially beautiful as it had just shed its skin and was very shinny and colorful. This was quite unusual to see a snake in downtown Ashland and then for it to be almost 4 feet long!

I immediately went over to where it was moving away from the people that it had frightened and determined it was not a very poisonous snake and carefully grabbed behind its head (so if it tried to bite me it would have more difficulty). I was very calm and the snake did not struggle very much for as large and strong as it was. It only tried to bite me once. This was only more as a warning than to really hurt me. There is a wonderful Park that is nearby and I knew it would be much safer at the very end of the Park where few people would be and there is wilderness for it to safely live in. So I started the 1-mile walk to the Parks end where I planned on releasing it in a safe place for everyone.

Now here comes the part that I think was even more unusual and interesting then finding such a large snake in Downtown Ashland. I walked carrying this almost 4 foot serpent between my hands held out in front of me as it coiled around my arms and hands and passed almost 50 people along my way to my destination. Only 5 or 6 of the 50 people who saw me, walked close by me and made direct eye contact with me, or said hello noticed the snake! And of those who saw the snake 3 were children and one was a teenager.

So, my questioning and wondering is why did not more of all those people who saw me and made eye contact not “see” the serpent?
I think the main reason is that they did not “expect” to see a man walking through the park carrying a 4-foot snake. It did not fit in with the “reality” that they were expecting to see and encounter. The children were more open to really “seeing” what was going on around them. The children all reacted with excitement and wonder at seeing the snake and had big smiles. The adults who saw it were more surprised and the teenager came over to talk to me about it and was appreciative that I was taking it to safety.

What I have been doing since has been watching myself as I wander around and noticing how open I am to seeing what I do not expect to see. To be in a calm place inside of myself where I can really “see” some of the people I walk by and notice as much as I can about them without being rude or staring at them. I am looking to see if I can notice things that I might not otherwise notice or see. I am allowing myself to look with curiosity and the eyes of a child as much as possible. I walk with the attitude of looking to discover and see those things that may escape a more casual or less focused way of being in the world. I am finding it great fun and very interesting.

I would suggest that you might also want to try using this approach when you go out in the world and notice what you may discover and notice that you probably would have missed otherwise. Maybe take a set amount of time (like 30 minutes) to be in this more open and aware state and see how it feels and how it works for you. I think you might be surprised how this can change what may have been a rather dull and “usual” outing into the world into something much more exciting and interesting. This is one way to bring back some of the joy and wonder that can be easily lost as we go about our busy lives and are so inwardly focused or focused in a way that does not let the unexpected be seen and that amazing, unanticipated and unusual things are missed by us. When we do not see or recognize these things that are really right in front of our faces, our world becomes smaller and less interesting and exciting than it really is.

I wish you great new adventures and the seeing of unexpected and unusual things that may thrill and delight you in your daily life!

Much Love and Joy in your life,

You Are Strong & Resilient! - May '09

Please remember, you are strong and resilient beyond your wildest dreams.
What your body defends against and heals from is incredible.
You were designed that way.

I just returned from a Hakomi Training in Maui Hawaii and it was held in a very beautiful space (Rinzai Zen Mission) where you could see the ocean and hear the waves washing the beach. It was a very nice gathering of people of all ability levels who wished to learn more about the Hakomi method of Psychotherapy and those wishing to deepen their knowledge from many years of prior training. I am always touched by the beauty of the student’s desire to learn more and their openness to explore those areas that may be causing them unnecessary suffering in their lives.

It has been said, "Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional”.

Pain is when you are in a car accident and are hurt and injured or when you trip and fall down and hurt yourself. Pain is felt in the moment, like when you are young and are criticized by those you love and told what your are feeling is not “real” or “true” or that your dreams are “unreal” and to forget about them. You immediately feel the pain of their criticism or immediately feel pain at being told to deny your true feelings and to forget about your ideas or dreams. Suffering is when you go through life remembering the pain of long ago and feeling it anew each day. Suffering is living a life unconsciously reacting to the world around you from all the ways you developed to adapt and cope with the pain you felt as a child.

You are older and wiser now. You can choose to let go of suffering or keep it alive in each day. There are many pathways, tools and techniques to become more conscious of how we are holding on to suffering and then to let suffering go. One pathway is to continually be aware of your feelings and to orient yourself into feeling a little better, a little more hopeful, a little more joyful a little more loving in each moment and in every choice you make. Choose to think thoughts that help you to feel better and happier. Choose to love and be honoring of yourself first and you will be able to share your love with others freely.

Please remember, you are strong and resilient beyond your wildest dreams. What your body defends against and heals from is incredible. You were designed that way. When you find joy, passion, excitement, love and creativity in your daily life and live from your heart you allow your body to be strong and to prosper. When your body is strong and prospering your spiritual life and guidance will be more easily accessed. When you are in a state of being loving your life flows and works beautifully and gracefully.

Khalil Gibran in his famous, articulate and brilliant book, “The Prophet”, speaks very eloquently and beautifully about love and I would like to share it with you:

Then said Almitra, Speak to us of Love. 
And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a great stillness upon them.

And with a great voice he said: When love beckons to you follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, 
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. 
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, 
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself. 
He threshes you to make you naked. 
He sifts you to free you from your husks. He grinds you to whiteness. 
He kneads you until you are pliant; and then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast. 

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears. 

Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; for love is sufficient unto love.

When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God.” And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. 

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; And to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

Khalil Gibran (1883 - 1931) Source: The Prophet pp.11-14 (On Love)

Wishing you much Love in your life,

Change Yourself, Change Your World - Apr '09

My Monthly thoughts for April are coming to you a little late due to a very full schedule of teaching workshops and giving individual sessions in Tokyo almost all of March.

I was delighted to see the Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 and Level 2 Workbook & DVD published and available for our Students and clients! Now Light Workers of all kinds can offer and utilize these simple, profound and beautiful techniques. What is even more exciting to me is that even people who have never considered themselves “Light Workers” or “Energy Workers” can actually teach themselves the Axiatonal Alignment techniques and offer this to friends, family and even themselves!

What I believe will really make this gracefully possible is the DVD and energy transmitted in the DVD that accompanies the Workbook. Reading the written material and then watching how it is actually performed will allow almost anyone to perform this offering of higher dimensional love, even for those who have not had the opportunity to take the Axiatonal Alignment workshops that are offered by Khakira and me. For those who wish to deepen their skill in performing and expand their understandings of the more esoteric aspects of this work we will again be offering workshops in Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 & 2 in Tokyo

One student who attended the Axiatonal Alignment Level 1 & 2 Workshops we offered in Tokyo in March had never done any kind of work like this before. She was very concerned that she might not be able to really learn how to do the Axiatonal Alignments and if anyone would feel anything from her practice sessions in the Workshops. We recommended that she attend and just decide to have fun at the Workshops and see what happens. Well, she had fun, learned the techniques easily and performed them proficiently, gave excellent sessions and her classmates all felt her sessions were great! It was a joy and pleasure for me to see her work so well and powerfully after doubting herself so strongly.

We offered 7 days of Workshops and many hours of individual sessions in Tokyo and had the pleasure of meeting wonderful people throughout our stay in Japan. Many of our students we had seen before as we offered an advanced level class. It is always such a pleasure to work again with “friends” from prior classes. We also met many new students who were delightful to work with and eager to receive what Khakira and I have to offer. Our individual sessions were exceptionally well received and we saw profound shifts and changes in every person we worked with. We were able to offer tools and techniques that allow for a lasting shift and change for those who desired it. We also offered multiple tools and techniques to allow ones life to flow more gracefully and be filled with more joy, happiness, love and fulfillment in our Workshops as well as individual sessions. I feel our time in Japan this March was an outstanding success for everyone and I really look forward to coming back again.

It has been said, “ We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.”

How we “are” is a mixture of the beliefs we hold as “true” and the thoughts we are habitually thinking combined with the feelings we are experiencing. Beliefs are just thoughts we have kept alive in our minds until we have hardly become conscious of them. They are like the programs that run inside a computer allowing it to do its various jobs without having to start all over from the beginning each time it is asked to do a particular task. We acclimate our beliefs from how we were raised, the culture we grow up in, and our family and the people we associate with daily.

The thoughts that we think as we go about our daily lives are powerful forces and since we live in a kind and loving universe what we are sending out (our thoughts and feelings) the universe gives back to us. This is a simple “law” of how things really work here on Earth. What we focus on and put our attention on we attract more and more of into our lives. The more emotional intensity we put into something be it positive or negative the quicker it may manifest in our lives. So, focusing on what I do not want is just like asking for more of the same to come to me! Focusing on what brings me joy, love, enthusiasm, excitement, pleasure and what we are passionate about calls out for the universe to give more of this to me.

As we then go about projecting out the particular energy that is composed of our beliefs, thoughts and feelings (like a human radio transmitter sending out various channels of vibrations) the world reflects this back to us (the same channels we are sending out). This reflection of us then becomes our view of the “world” or how we see the world and what the “world” is like. We can then say, “See!!! This is “how” the world is because this and this and this, is happening to me. And see! Look at all these things that are going on in the world outside of my personal life, it is just like I knew it would be because “this” is the way the world IS.”

What is often missing is the understanding that of all the possibilities available and they are countless, what we see and consider the world outside of ourselves is simply a reflection of what we are projecting out into the world being the energy transmitters that we are. So then like attracts like. The same channel we are sending out is what we will tune into and get the physical manifestations of that same channel. Like turning your TV to a particular channel. If you tune your TV to channel 7 and expect to receive what is on channel 11 you will be disappointed. If you want to receive what is on channel 11 you need to tune into that frequency, that particular bandwidth.

So, you and I each have the choice of what we wish the universe to deliver to us. As it can be an almost impossible task to be conscious of and monitor all our thoughts there is a simple way to guarantee what we will be receiving from the Universe is what we really want.

The simple and absolutely effective way to bring into our physical reality what we truly desire is to live in a state of joy, of love and happiness as much as possible. When we live this channel this particular bandwidth that is what we will begin to have reflected back to us and see around us.

From this “state” of being in the world, the universe will bring to us all those things that have just been waiting for our alignment to allow the proper synchronicities to “happen”! All that we really want and desire is waiting in a non-physical place ready to be physically manifested. Our alignment with the higher vibration of love, joy, happiness, bliss and following what we are passionate about puts us in the vibration that allows all we have been desiring to physically manifest in ways we might never have thought probable or possible. From this state of joy we flow with the river of life and it effortlessly takes us to where we most want to go.

I feel and believe it is very true, “ We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.”

Please, let us then, "see" and imagine ourselves into what we desire to "see" things "as". So, if you want to change the way the world “is”, change yourself. Focus more on what brings you love, joy and happiness. Make a study of being in the world in the way that is most fulfilling to you. Study and practice love, joy and what you are passionate about. Allow yourself to be filled with so much love and joy that it naturally overflows from you. Let your way of being in the world become like an overflowing fountain that flows to those about you who are thirsty. You can uplift the world by how you choose to live your life day to day and in each choice you make. Living in joy, living in love is a gift to yourself and all those around you.

You can change the "world" by uniting your thoughts and emotions into the highest picture of your vision of Heaven on Earth. The higher our personal vision, the higher "our" vision of the "world" will become and "reality" will shift accordingly. The higher our united vision of what we desire, the faster the evolution into manifesting the "now" of that vision.

Wishing you all much love and joy in your life,