Sunday, July 25, 2010

Self Mastery Steps For A Heavy Heart - Nov '08

I work with many people, some young and others who have lived many years and had much life experience. Often a Father or Mother is very concerned about a son or daughter who seems to have a difficult time living in the world. I would like to share with you parts of a session I did with a young woman named Grace. The information that I have offered may be helpful to you in a number of ways.

Some of you reading this may have a similar concern for a loved one, others may relate directly to the situation of Grace and how she has coped with the world. I offer some suggestions that will allow for shift and change. I could feel her mothers deep love and connection and her strong desire to assist Grace to move forward in the world.

I found Grace be a very sweet and loving young woman. She was also drifting through life without any direction or passion. She attracted boyfriends that took advantage of her passiveness and used her with little regard to how Grace felt. Grace worked at jobs that were well below her abilities and for people who did not value and appreciate her.

I found in Grace sweetness and a pained and heavy heart. A heart heavy because of some tragedy or loss that has happened in her life that is not resolved. This could also be about the state of the world or her looking at other people’s struggles in the world and feeling a despair and hopelessness. This heaviness and pain could be actively let go of or given away to her Higher Self in some sort of meditation or ceremony allowing Grace a new perspective on life and how to live in the world more fully with more love, joy and participation in creating fresh new “reality” for herself.

Have you ever tried to pick up a cat that is sleeping somewhere, and does not really want to be moved? The cat feels twice as heavy as it actually is and the cat does not usually feel real happy about being moved. Grace’s energy felt this way to me. A lot of energetic clearing was needed to allow her to shift and change from a horizontal position to a more vertical position.

When I use the term “horizontal positioning” it means an alignment with mundane earthly events, distractions, focusing on negative things rather than more positive, looking more at what is wrong in the world and others than what is right and working well, seeing a glass of water that is 50% full as half empty rather than half full. When I use the term “vertical positioning” it means an active and conscious alignment with ones Higher-Self, seeing the world as a loving and safe place, knowing that all is in perfect order and alignment and that better things are in the process of manifestation and have not quite arrived yet, seeing or just knowing that there is a purpose in all events, laughing and feeling love and joy at simply being alive.

I found that Grace had wrapped herself up with what looked like cotton all around her; that insulated her from her real feelings and sometimes her life. This dulled her in a way that no longer served her. Drugs and alcohol did not serve her at this time and tended to dull her feelings and emotions. Being very conscious about what she did that dulled her and then to greatly reduce or eliminate these things would be very helpful. This insulating type energy may once have served her and now it no longer was. Grace will need to consciously choose not to live in this type of a cocoon or she will only re-create it again and again.

Once Grace actively makes the choice to maintain a vertical position it will be much easier than ever before to have change in her life. Grace needs to be the one to desire and want this change, as well as be willing to make the choices necessary to maintain a more vertical position in life. As much as her mother cares and loves Grace any help she offers is soon lost because this journey of life is Graces and only she can make the decision to shift and change her situation.

For any lasting change to occur, Grace needs to very actively and consciously state that she desires change and is willing to take the steps necessary to change her life.

Grace needs to find what she is passionate about in life. Finding what she loves doing, something that she is passionate about, that is exciting, that brings her joy and fulfillment will automatically give her energy, enthusiasm and focus.

Doing what other people want her to do and being a “good girl” to please others only brings resistance, rebelliousness (choosing to be a “bad girl”) and tiredness.

It is time for her to discover herself. And who she is and who she wants to be in the world. It is time for her to discover her own mastery, sense of self worth, desires and focuses in the world. This may be very different from what others have planned for her or desire for her. And Grace needs to be able to let go of this (what others have planned for her or desire for her) and stand as a mature adult and consciously make the choices she truly wants in her life. There may be some discomfort with this and that is only natural and a part of growing up and becoming a master of ones own fate and destiny.

Here are my recommendations for Grace to assist in change and movement into self mastery and a much more self-fulfilling life:

Make a contract with yourself stating your desire for change and the type of change you truly wish for. This can be written down and then spoken out loud.

Do what is needed to let go of the weight and heaviness being carried in the heart.
  1. Take time daily to do a simple meditation that is enjoyable for you. Maybe 5 minutes a day, and something as simple as breathing in sparkling white light to the center of your heart and letting it expand throughout your body and into your energy bodies.
  2. Pursue a creative activity that you feel passionate about and are fun for you to do. Do this at least once a week or more.
  3. Focus on what you want more of in your life. Focus on what brings you joy, love and a feeling of expansion in your heart area.
  4. Follow your bliss, your love, your joy and pleasure and what you can become excited about and are passionate about.
  5. Treat yourself like your would your best most beloved friend. Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone your dearly love, respect and honor. Take the advice you give yourself from this loving, kind and compassionate friend (Yourself!).
  6. Let go of what no longer serves you and are just weights preventing you from flying.
  7. Do something new and different at least once a week.
  8. Speak your truth in a kind but firm and loving way to others.
I hope this exploration of a session was helpful to you and that you may find principals and ways of being in the world that will serve you and those you love better.

I wish you much love, laughter, joy, excitement and passion in your life!

In Light, Love and Service,

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