Monday, July 26, 2010

The New Divinity Pathways - Dec '09

I am very excited about a number of things to be sharing with you this month! First Khakira and I have been invited to return to Japan and offer Workshops and Individual Sessions starting in February of next year. We are really looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting old friends that we have never met before and sharing some very new and exciting things with you. We have also been developing some new Workshops and will offer a very new and unique Individual Session for next year as well.

The new energies that have been pouring into the Earth have been challenging for many and are the harbinger of more to come. They are helping us to open to more energy and changes on the way. Our physical energy systems are being rebuilt to accommodate the newer and more potent energies. Our very bodies are being rebuilt as we do our best to live in them and function in this changing and upwardly evolving world. It is a very exciting time we have chosen to live and participate in!

Something that has been waiting for this “time,” for the “correct timing,” both planetary as well as for our individual and collective evolvement to take place and are a very new energy system contained within our physical bodies. This new series of Pathways has recently opened and become available for us to utilize. We are calling them the Divinity Pathways as their sole function is to allow more and more of our true divinity our Higher-Self to be ever more fully grounded into our physical body like it never has been before.

The Divinity Pathways are now available for us to access as they merge, unite and intertwine with the physical body. The Divinity Pathway map and how to assist them in their embodiment was directly downloaded to Khakira while she was in deep trance states. While the Divinity Pathways may at times coincide with other energy work systems (Axiatonal Alignment, Chakra Systems, Acupuncture Meridians and others) any similarities are purely coincidental. These Pathways are unique and are the conduit for the gifts available from our Higher-Self to be much more easily brought into physical reality now that we are ready to receive and embody them.

These pathways are all about embodying more of your Divinity. They enable us to re-connect to the highest aspects of the non-physical parts of us and to bring more of that into our physicality. They let us re-member and re-call our divine abilities, like being able to embody more love and compassion, telepathic communication, clairvoyance, cellular regeneration, accessing information of all kinds, etc. As these pathways open further, more of Spirit will be allowed to flow through us, and we then become more conscious and awake. They assist us in reclaiming who we truly are and empower us to show more of that in our daily lives.

This is extremely exciting to Khakira and I and we feel so very pleased and honored to be able to share this with you. The process of how to infuse the Pathways is not complicated compared to so many other systems and modalities and feels wonderful for all involved. The Pathways can be accessed by lightly touching and holding particular parts of the body in an orderly procedure and then “infused” to increase and accelerate their functioning. There are over 70 of these pathways and working as a team, we can infuse them in approximately 4 hours.

Here is a little meditational exercise that you can do to become acquainted with the Divinity Pathways.
  1. Allow yourself to get into a calm meditative state.
  2. Become aware of the space within your physical self and all around yourself.
  3. With each breath in breathe in beautiful golden light and allow it to fill and radiate all around you as if you are filling up a balloon that is shaped like you.
  4. Breathe in golden light for several minutes, allowing yourself to be filled and overflowing with it.
  5. Imagine that your Lightbody is glowing and filled with light and points of spinning energy. It looks like a fantastic star chart, all illuminated, alive, spinning, moving and radiating more colors than you can imagine throughout the inside and outside of the physical body.
  6. Imagine and intend that the particular pathways that are the Divinity Pathways are beginning to illuminate and glow brighter and brighter. Do not worry about seeing them exactly or even at all. Your intention and desire is what is most important right now.
  7. With each breath of golden light, imagine the divinity Pathways are being infused, that they are brightening, becoming clearer and more physically manifested.
  8. Continue to breathe in golden light and allow through your intent, visualization and desire that the Divinity Pathways become stronger and brighter with each breath.
  9. Allow the peace, joy, love and feelings of connection with your Higher-Self to fill you as long as you wish and have time for.
Please enjoy this little meditation anytime you can make the time and feel like recharging yourself with more of all the highest qualities and aspects of yourself. This is a delightful meditation to do before falling asleep or before getting up to start your day.

Wishing you overflowing love, joy and graceful expansion in your life!

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