Sunday, July 25, 2010

Visualizing Physical Health - Oct '08

The state of our physical health can allow us to effortlessly move through life and at times weight us down so that it feels like our lack of health and vitality is all there is. One of the most challenging things for most of us is observing our current state of health when it is not as we would like it to be and then shifting our focus and attention on it so that it can shift and change to a higher level. When we are in pain or observing very real physical symptoms that do not seem to change it can make everything in our life less than it could be.

Remember change first starts with your mental visioning and your thinking.

Your mental actions create the change that then is manifested physically. Your thoughts are more important in creating change than the physical actions you may take. Imagine and visualize what you want. Put your emotional intensity, your love, and your passion into what you want to attract more of in your life. Then the universe knows clearly what to physically manifest for you.

Imagine and dream of what you want and let the feelings of joy and pleasure of your imagining and dreams fill you as if you already had what ever it is you are imagining and dreaming about. Allow this joy and pleasure here and now. You create your future with your thoughts that you are thinking here and now. Feeling the joy and pleasure of having what you desire here and now even before it is physically manifested will speed its physical manifestation for you. Focus on how you are young, beautiful and have a healthy well functioning body. Do not look for and focus on those things that contradict this or what ever it is you desire and want.

Know that you are always shifting and changing and what has manifested in your life now is only an indication of your past thoughts. Change your thoughts and feelings and you will manifest in relation to the new thoughts and feelings.

I have a suggestion for you to assist your process of regaining your physical balance and alignment that you can do in a simple meditation or visualization. I would suggest you do this just before going to sleep and just before you get up in the morning. It does not have to take long and can be a very nurturing and pleasurable experience as well as bringing you what you desire much more quickly.

When you first do this you may have feelings arise in opposition to what is being called for in the meditation. Notice how these feelings, thoughts or images may be disempowering to you and even hold you in a state of being that is other than the perfect health and alignment that is possible for you to live in. You may need to take time to resolve them so that they are not running in the background or are unconsciously sabotaging you health and wellbeing.

This meditation or visualization works best if you allow yourself to be as comfortable as possible in a quiet and peaceful state. If you happen to drift off in your thoughts or fall asleep that is fine. If you drift off in your thoughts, gently bring yourself back to the meditation and continue. If you fall asleep, you will have set a very good intention that will be carried forward in your sleep time and be very valuable and of assistance for you.

  1. Imagine the perfect state of physical health and wellness you would like to have radiating from you.
  2. Imagine how you would feel and how you might look in this perfect state of health and aliveness.
  3. Feel the strength, power and balance that flow through your body.
  4. Feel your aliveness and your readiness to take on anything you may choose to do with excitement and joy.
  5. Imagine the joy and pleasure it feels to have more energy and health than ever before flowing through your body. Really take the time to allow this joy and pleasure to totally fill and overflow out from you and all around you.
  6. Imagine and visualize looking in a mirror and see the vibrant power of your health and wellbeing flowing out from your eyes, how your skin glows golden and maybe even violet light pulses and flows around your body like a gentle flame that burns off anything that is not serving your highest health and well-being.
  7. Imagine when you felt the most love and connection in your life. Really allow the feelings of this love to fill you and flow through all parts of your body.
  8. Look at this magnificent physical body with this love you are feeling and creating. Appreciate and love the physicality you see before you as the perfect vehicle to allow the divinity of you non-physical Higher-Self to ground through on this Earth.
  9. Imagine and feel the love, strength, power and vitality of your Higher-Self pulsing through your veins and empowering you in an amazing and invigorating way.
  10. Notice how your physicality is the perfect vehicle for the expression of your divinity.
  11. Allow the feelings of health, wellness, vitality, love and empowerment to course through you and all your bodies systems. Know you are loved and supported in all ways. Please stay in this state of being as long as you are able or that feels good to you.
I look forward to hearing any feedback you may care to share regarding my Monthly Thoughts. If you find them helpful and worth sharing with friends and loved ones I would be very pleased.

I wish you great joy, health, excitement, enthusiasm, passion, adventure and love,

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