Monday, July 26, 2010

Consciously Colorful Manifesting - Oct '09

Your "past" consists of all that was, what is not happening right "now". In fact everything in our thoughts has passed; our memory is only of the past. Your past, all you have lived, dreamed, thought, felt and experienced translates into vibration. This vibration is not a single "tone" but could be thought of as having many different tones or notes, maybe even a symphony of various sounds.

If your past were a painting, or a series of paintings, it would consist of various colors, shapes and themes. Usually the primary colors of your life’s "paintings" were given to you from your childhood by your parents and the society and culture you grew up in. Often these primary colors that we have taken on from childhood become the palate that we then form our adult “paintings” and the “tapestry” of our lives and daily experiences.

This palate of colors we "find" ourselves painting from can be wonderfully complete or it could be missing shades, hues, vibrancy, variation and even some primary colors. We can see this in what is currently manifesting in our lives at the present moment.
  • Do you like the painting of your life as it is manifesting today?
  • Does it show you are painting the story of your life with a full and varied palate of colors?
  • Are your paintings filled with those things that you value and find pleasing?
  • Would you like more color?
  • Maybe you’d like a more adventurous exploration of what is possible if you added some more colors or maybe different shades?
When we play with contrast in our "paintings" it can help bring us into greater awareness of what may be more desired. When we find our creations are darker than we like it is natural to add more colors of a lighter shade and hue. In fact the more contrast we have the more clearly we know what would be more pleasing to us. So, contrast is good as it brings clarity and gives us the vision of how to paint our future in such a way that brings us more of what we truly want and desire in our lives!

This is your creation so you can keep manifesting what you are seeing or you can change it. You can add colors and shades by becoming aware of the palate you are painting from. You can even erase or paint over certain areas by not giving so much attention and emotional energy to certain things that are less pleasing to you.

One strategy is to become aware of our beliefs, especially any that may be less conscious and limiting our palate. Beliefs are energy, a vibration that attracts what they are about. If I believe the world is a hard and difficult place to live in, then I naturally attract experiences and situations that will justify and support "my" belief!

Here is an exercise that may be interesting, fun and informative for you. Taking some time and actually putting this exercise on paper and making it visual and colorful will help to really see a visual representation (a better picture) of why and how you are currently manifesting what you are. You may wish to have some different colored pencils or a box of colored crayons, colored markers or colored highlighters to help with this exploration.

  1. Write down as many beliefs that you can think of on a piece of paper (like white printer paper). For example you may have a beliefs like: “I have to work hard to get enough money to live comfortably.” “I have to keep everybody happy in my life or bad things will happen to me.” “If I stand out or are different bad things will happen to me.” “It is not safe to tell or show my true feelings.” Those “beliefs” all have a certain tone or color. I am sure you can already see where we are going. You will probably have many beliefs that are of a different tone like: “Things always work out in ways better than I could have imagined.” “My life is getting better and better.” “People like and respect me.” “Life is fun and exciting.” Those “beliefs” all have a certain tone or color different than the first group.
  2. Give each belief you write down a color or a shade of color reflecting if they are more uplifting (they feel “good”) or not so uplifting (they feel neutral, draining or give a sinking feeling). Uplifting beliefs get bright and light colors and the more neutral or less uplifting beliefs get darker and less bright colors. Color the whole sentence (the belief) with the color you choose that best reflect its “color” and “tone”.
The more beliefs you write down and give colors that reflect possibly how bright or dark they may be, the more you can see what kind of palate your have to paint your life with and what you are naturally attracting more of into your life.

Remember you automatically attract and physically manifest as your “reality” from the beliefs you carry with you and automatically project outward.
So, what kind of an artist’s palate do you have to work with? Do you like your palate? Want to add more colors? Want to let go of some? It’s all your creation and the more conscious you become the more you can consciously create your life “paintings” into works of art that really please you and brings you continual joy, love and fulfillments!

You can work with your beliefs by becoming conscious of them and then choosing to give them energy or not. What you focus on and put emotional intensity into creates a resonance that draws more of the same to you. You physically create from your focus! I know what beliefs and colors I wish to paint with. How about you?

Wishing You Much Love and Consciously Colorful Manifesting!

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